Tim Webb
Vice President of Operations and a passionate technologist who thrives on merging software and marketing. Follow @timrwebb for periodic musing. A developer by birth, an optimizer by necessity, a forever believer in the ability of software to improve what you do.
Posted on Mar 1st 2018

At Genuitec, we have been building developer software for nearly two decades. Our goal is to provide customers with access to seamless tool stacks, regardless of where the technology originates. However, delivering timely solutions in a rapidly evolving language and technologies world is critical to modern development and continues to be our largest time investment.

Over the last couple of years, we have seen how the VS Code and the Code open source initiative have radically changed the coder universe. It is very clear, the VS Code leadership team have taken what they learned from building the Eclipse platform and created a new universally pluggable architecture, fundamentally changing the development landscape.  A new community with more than one quarter of the developer editor market, and an ever-expanding extension market is marching to be crowned as the king of modern front-end developer tools. 

However, is VS Code the right answer for everyone? It’s a great editor and is often all that a front-end developer needs. But for many living in an enterprise shop, it is only half the picture. Many enterprise developers are familiar with an IDE like Eclipse and prefer the usability experience. Eclipse also includes things a lightweight editor doesn’t offer, like project level validation and superior Java EE and Spring support.

That got us thinking, what if we could combine the best of both worlds? What if we could give Eclipse developers access to the rich catalog of VS Code extensions and advanced development that Code offers? And that’s when CodeMix was born. By providing VS Code smarts inside Eclipse, we no longer have to play catch-up, and our customers can realize the benefits and combined effect Code & Eclipse provide with all the great advances in the technology world. Instead of needing Eclipse plugins for every language and framework, CodeMix delivers the same great extensions that framework developers are creating for VS code, and lets you use them in Eclipse.

By picking up languages & frameworks from VS Code, we can focus on value add you expect from an IDE – rich services like the ones we make available in Angular IDE and MyEclipse. You win with a combination of superb language support and enhanced IDE aids you’d expect from a company like Genuitec and an IDE like Eclipse.

We are in the final stages of development for CodeMix and couldn’t be happier with its progress. We would love to hear how CodeMix works for your team. Become an Insider to stay up to date on the latest advances and be one of the first to try it by downloading the preview version when it’s available.

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