Dani Faris
Summer intern at Genuitec! I am using their products DevStyle, CodeMix and Angular IDE to create projects in different programming languages such as Python and Angular. Providing a new user experience for other developers as well as insight to help facilitate optimal development and learning. Stay tuned...
Posted on Jul 6th 2018

I do much more than tweet things and write blogs for Genuitec. Right now, I am diving into Python and using CodeMix, while concurrently taking a crash course in Java at school. I am also exploring DevStyle, which allows me to personalize my development workspace however I want! Sweet! At Genuitec, I am fortunate enough to not just learn about their products, but also about strategy, data-analytics and most importantly – myself and my future.

Here are a couple of the things I have learned over the first few weeks.

Be Organized

Developing can get messy if you let it. Saving a bunch of files with random names and in random places is the first “Don’t” in programming. You might be thinking “duh”, but how many of your first year development professors emphasized that? It is important to save projects in easy to access places, as you never know when that old project you originally saved under that vague file name might come in handy!

Time is Crucial

As a college student, life is busy, busy, BUSY. When trying to manage between work, school, and personal life, it can be really difficult to keep on track with everything, especially when attempting to learn new programming languages on top of that. That is why I am so excited to share my experiences with CodeMix, as I learn more about it and use it on my work and college projects. With content assist, powerful debuggers and editors for a number of languages, and as you type validation, just to name a few, the novice development I have been able to do in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and now Python has been faster and easier. It’s a wonderful tool to keep me away from new developer coder’s block.

In my next post, I’ll share how I transformed my boring, outdated Eclipse environment into one that is vibrant, dynamic and constantly keeps me excited about my work.

Digging in for Some Coding | Eclipse Plugin for Awesome Workspace Customization