N Wayne Parrott
Product Research & Co-founder of Genuitec, LLC. Follow at @wayne_parrott.
Posted on Sep 13th 2016

As GapDebug Product Manager, I want to share some information about the future of GapDebug. For almost 3 years we have developed and maintained GapDebug (@GapDebug) as a free debugging and app management platform for hybrid-mobile developers. It has been a fun learning experience with many cool challenges and rewards. After much consideration we have decided to discontinue development of GapDebug in order to focus our attention toward creating new innovations and experiences for programmers.

What does this mean for developers using GapDebug? For starters, GapDebug will continue to work indefinitely for debugging and management of apps running on Android and iOS 9 and earlier devices. Where you will experience a hiccup is when you use GapDebug with an iOS 10 device. In such cases GapDebug will not fully recognize the device or apps. Genuitec will continue to provide downloads of GapDebug for Mac OS and Windows through the end of the year. But the current GapDebug release, ver. 2.4.0, will be the final version. No future updates are planned at this time.

In this closing chapter of GapDebug I want to recognize the key contributors that made things go. Vadim Ridosh (@vridosh) was the technical brains and brawn behind GapDebug that made my ideas and vision real. Vadim is one the smartest and most dedicated developers I’ve worked with. Additional props go to Tim Webb (@twebb) and the UX team for the cool design ideas and artwork. And a big thanks to Genuitec’s Maher Masri and Todd Williams for believing in GapDebug and funding its development. Lastly, I want to thank all of you that have used GapDebug and provided encouraging and valuable feedback.