Configuring a Delegation Policy
With the Advanced Team Delegation features of SDC, administrators can split package administration responsibilities with team leads. This method of administration uses a special type of policy called a Delegation Policy. Before beginning this tutorial, familiarize yourself with the Advanced Team Delegation concepts.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Create a new delegation policy
When using advanced team delegation features, you must set a delegation policy for principal packages. The Delegation policy specifies the various package administration activities you want to allow team leads to have when maintaining their team packages.
- Click Delegation Policies under Advanced Teams in the Admin Console navigation.
Note: To edit settings for an existing policy, select the policy in the Delegation Policies section.
Setting a Delegation policy - Click in the Delegation Policies section to create a new policy, or click to create a new policy by duplicating another.
The Delegation Policies section lists the delegation policies available for use. These are listed in the Delegation Policy drop-down list when selecting a policy for a principal package. When you select a policy in the list, the Used In section displays the packages that use the policy.
To remove a policy, select it, and click . Before removing a policy, be sure no packages use the policy.
To make a policy the default, select it, and click . However, before you can make a policy the default, you must first roll out the policy by promoting it. - Enter a title for the delegation policy, and click OK. This title appears in the Delegation Policy drop-down list on the package’s Configuration tab. The title also appears in the Title field of the Selected Delegation Policy section.
- On the Configuration page, use the toggle switches to indicate the tasks group admins have access to when managing their team’s package.
Configuring group admin task access - Click Runtime to set the runtime-related tasks group admins are allowed to manage. Also, use the Auto-Promote Secondary Packages setting to specify whether or not secondary packages are promoted automatically each time you promote the linked principal package.
Configuring runtime settings