Measuring Trends with Usage Metrics
SDC is able to track metrics, including the number of installations by package, the highest use packages, and promotion dates. This information is helpful for seeing trends in software usage and helps you project the number of licenses your organization requires. Metrics information is stored in the database connected to the delivery hub.
Overall metrics information on the Dashboard
The graph displays Installs (green), Uninstalls (red), Usage (blue), and Upgrades (orange). You can adjust the graph by hiding/showing metrics. Click to open the Options menu where you can show/hide metrics in the graph. From the Options menu, you can also choose to display data for 60 days, 6 months, or a year. To zone in on graph details, hover the pointer over a point on a graph line to view the date and metric value for that point. This is useful for understanding peaks and valleys on a graph line. In the image above, the data corresponding to the pointer position is 195 upgrades on 8/20/11.
Click to refresh metrics data from the database. You can export all metrics data into a .CSV file by clicking
. Full details of the currently displayed metrics are exported; therefore, configure the desired metrics range before exporting. You can export for both the usage graph and for the machines in use. Therefore, you can see which users are using a package.
The Admin Console Dashboard displays which packages are used most. Also, system-wide metrics appear in numbers, as well as in graphical format. On the Software Details page of a selected software pack, you can view the software pack usage in graphical format. On the Overview tab of a software package, you can view package-specific usage metrics.