Creating an Eclipse IDE Package
If you are delivering Eclipse to your end users, you can deliver a complete IDE that includes required add-on software, a secure software catalog, and security settings. This allows you to have better control over team Eclipse environments, providing standardization and simplified delivery of required tool stacks. In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Create a basic Eclipse IDE package
- In the Secure Packages list in the Admin Console navigation, click Eclipse IDE Packages.
Creating an Eclipse IDE package - In the Packages section, click
to add a new package, or
to duplicate an existing package, i.e. use an existing package as a template for a new one.
- Enter a title for the package. This title will be displayed on the portal web page. Choose one or more delivery groups for the package. If no groups are selected, the package appears on the portal home page, if using the default access policy. Click Next.
Naming the new package - Select the base Eclipse package, and click Next.
Selecting the base Eclipse package
The Package Details page opens to the Overview tab. The status of capabilities that can be defined for the package displays in the Capabilities section. The first four are set up by default. You can tailor these to fit your needs by clicking the Configuration tab or the corresponding items in the Admin Console navigation. You can also view usage metrics for this package.
Package overview
At this point, the package is created with default access, environment, and security policies.