Promoting a Package, Policy or Catalog
Promoting a package makes it available to your end users. You can also promote policies and Marketplace Catalogs. Before an item can be promoted, it must be committed to the delivery hub machine.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Promote new and changed packages, policies, or catalogs
- Click the Promotable Changes notification in the Notifications section (this is assuming the item was previously committed).
Committed changes pending promotion - Select the package or item you want to promote, and review the changes listed in the Review Changes section. When satisfied that you are ready to roll out the changes, click Promote Changes. Promoting a new package triggers SDC to build either a network-based, bundled or web installer, depending on your specification in the access policy.
Note: If you have new committed end-user notifications, a link appears in the Promotion window that opens the Notifications tab where you can push the notification without promoting.
Message indicating the only change is in end-user notifications - If you are promoting updates to an existing package, select whether or not to build installers. If you choose not to build at promotion, you can build installers later from the package’s Timeline tab. Either way, users of the existing package are notified of an update.
Note: The steps having to do with installers do not apply to on-demand delivery packages because installers are not built.
Opting not to build installers at promotion - Enter a promote comment, and click OK.
The package is now available for your users to install or apply updates. New installation packages appear on the portal web page if the access policy allows.