
Uninstalling CodeMix

Uninstall CodeMix

Complete the following steps to remove CodeMix from your computer. 

  1. In Eclipse, select Help > CodeMix > Uninstall CodeMix.

    Selecting the Uninstall menu option
  2. Click Finish to completely uninstall CodeMix. Or, click the Back button to select which CodeMix features to uninstall.

    Reviewing items to be removed
  3. Select the reason you are uninstalling CodeMix. We value feedback from our users. If you would like to participate in a short survey and be entered in a prize raffle, select Yes.  

    Answering survey questions
  4. Click Finish. If you selected to enter the raffle, answer the two questions, provide your email address and click Finish. CodeMix is removed from Eclipse and CodeMix options will no longer be available when you restart your IDE.

We’re sorry to see you go!

If you experienced any problems, we would love the opportunity to help you succeed with CodeMix. 

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Learning Center

Browse the CodeMix Learning Center for useful information that will help you master CodeMix. 


Send an email to info@genuitec.com and we’ll respond promptly.


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