Using the MyEclipse Dashboard
The MyEclipse Dashboard is a great starting place for your projects, whether starting a new project, working on a project in source control or looking for example projects to learn something new.
The MyEclipse Dashboard view gives you quick access to commonly used features, help documentation and example projects. The Dashboard view opens automatically in the MyEclipse perspective. To disable the dashboard at startup, select the Don’t show this dashboard again on startup checkbox at the top of the MyEclipse Dashboard view. To open the MyEclipse Dashboard, click the Show Dashboard icon on the main toolbar.
Note: If your Dashboard looks different than the following screen, you may be on an older version. The MyEclipse dashboard received a refresh in 2020.
MyEclipse Dashboard shown with DevStyle Darkest Dark theme
Accessing Features from the Dashboard
From the Get Started tab, you can access core functionality to start a new project or work with an existing project. To quickly locate a feature, begin typing in the search box to narrow the list. To browse all features, click the right arrow to the left of a feature to expand the list and see available functionality. To collapse an expanded feature, click the down arrow to the left of the feature. After locating the desired feature, double-click or press Enter to perform the action.
Getting Started tab search box
Accessing the Learning Center
Click the Learn tab to view categorized and searchable help. To quickly locate a help topic, begin typing in the search box to narrow the list. To browse all help, click the right arrow to the left of a category to expand the list and see available help. Popular help topics are listed first, followed by a More category with additional related topics. To collapse an expanded category, click the down arrow to the left of the category.
Learn tab search box
Working with Example Projects
Click the Examples tab to access Examples on Demand—sample projects for learning a variety of the technologies in MyEclipse. You can use the search box to locate specific projects. Hover a project name to see a brief description along with technologies included in the project.
Examples tab search with project description