
4.0 GA – JSP validation question

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  • #235999 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Temp Workaround until we get this figured out:
    Create a new User Library, make the contents of the LIbrary all the JARs under <MyEclipse Dir>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core_4.0.0\data\libraryset\1.4, add that to your build path and remove the J2EE 1.4 Library from MyEclipse.

    In the mean time I’ll ask and see what this could be.

    #236001 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    No luck. Either the new settings aren’t taking, or there would seem to be something wrong with the jars themselves. I do see the .classpath file updating, but no change in the editor. Even after many Eclipse restarts, -clean, project clean + rebuild, etc. I haven’t rebooted the system, but this isn’t Windows.

    #236002 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    A reboot didn’t help either. Somewhere along the line I got validation errors to appear in the Problems tab. The Navigator still doesn’t reflect the error.

    #236003 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    Ok, this is it. I symlinked /home to /home/jim/workspace/home so
    will exist. This now gets rid of my editor errors. This means that no matter what I tried to do in preferences and what .classpath said, the editor was always still looking for it’s libs there (in the wrong place). I have no idea what could cause that, but hope it helps in debugging.

    #236007 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is “odd as hell” to say the least, I’ll continue to dig.

    #236095 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    Any news? I removed Eclipse, MyEclipse, /tmp/* and workspace. I then installed Eclipse clean, then MyEclipse (as my user). I loaded eclipse with -clean flag. Created a new MyEclipse web project and then a new MyEclipse JSP. Same errors:

    Severity    Description    Resource    In Folder    Location    Creation Time
    2     cannot access javax.servlet.Servlet:  file javax/servlet/Servlet.class not found.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM
    2     cannot find symbol:  symbol  : class HttpServletRequest.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM
    2     cannot find symbol:  symbol  : class HttpServletResponse.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM
    2     cannot find symbol:  symbol  : class ServletException.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM
    2     package javax.servlet.http does not exist:  import javax.servlet.http.*;.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM
    2     package javax.servlet does not exist:  import javax.servlet.*;.  NOTE: No JSP line number was avaliable so line 1 was used for the marker.    MyJsp.jsp    home/web    line 1    August 30, 2005 9:25:48 AM

    Looking at package explorer, the libs are listed and have the correct path. Looking at Preferences/Java/Build Path/Classpath variables all MYECLIPSE_* variables have the correct path. Are we absolutely sure that there isn’t code in the Linux version that would prepend something to the path of libs in MyEclipse projects?

    Unless there are hidden files that I don’t know about, this is as clean a setup and description as I can get.

    #236101 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Do me a favor, with your fresh install do a File > Switch Workspace > /home/jim/tempworkspace, hit OK to restart. Now create a new webproject, did that work? Paths ok?

    #236111 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    Wonderland just gets more interesting. I switched to tempworkspace and created a stuff project. Everything worked fine. I then created a home project (because thats the name of the project I was originally working on). The JSP in home broke. Created a stuff2 project, its JSP was broken. Removed the home project, did a clean on all projects, and all JSPs in all other projects were happy again.

    This problem seems to be related to having a project named home. Which was a problem for me, since I’m working on a project named home and always tried to create a project with that name. Bizarre to say the least, but it looks like as long as I stay away from home, things work much better.

    I hope with that added info, this will be reproducible.

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