
Add ERD relationships

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  • #325664 Reply

    Bob Dietrich

    I had the need today to create an ERD for a set of customer tables using MyEclipse for Spring 10.1. For whatever reason, the tables were not defined with foreign key relationships. I tried to find a way to manually add the relationships, but the diagram still seems to be read-only, unless you modify the database itself. So the diagram is pretty much useless.

    Please add the capability to add relationships to an ERD, or add a package that does so. Thanks.

    #325686 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    The diagram is intended to be a view of the database as it stands, not a general ERD diagramming tool. We do have plans to make the ERD a bidirectional editor, where adding a relationship or a table would result in real schema changes; but minimal request for such functionality has led to these plans being shelved.

    I will add your vote to the enhancement request list, thank you for asking.

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