
Add new dialect

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  • #311317 Reply


    I am currently evaluating Myeclipse. I am using Sybase SQL Anywhere 10 and they provide a SQLAnywhereDialect.jar file that I would like Myeclipse to recognize when I run “Scaffold Spring CRUD Application.

    How do I add this jar file to MyEclipse so that it is becomes an option when selecting the dialect?


    #311390 Reply


    Hello Shinan,

    You will first need to create a new db connection. This can be done by using the “Create New Connection” link in the Scaffolding wizard, Select DB Connection pane – or, via the DB Browser view. Once in the new db connection wizard, there is an option for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere.


    #311391 Reply


    @davemeurer wrote:

    Hello Shinan,

    You will first need to create a new db connection. This can be done by using the “Create New Connection” link in the Scaffolding wizard, Select DB Connection pane – or, via the DB Browser view. Once in the new db connection wizard, there is an option for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere.


    Thanks Dave. I was wondering how I could add a new dialect into that drop down where “Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere” is. Sybase distributes there own Dialect as a jar file for SQLAnywhere10 and I wanted to try it to see if the results are different.

    I can change the dialect after the code is generated and it works fine with Sybases dialect but I wanted to try to use it on from the wizard as well.

    #311394 Reply


    Ah, sorry for my misunderstanding. You would like to add a new driver template that contains a different dialect, or just modify the dialect of the current template.

    I currently don’t see a mechanism to do that, but let me keep checking and I’ll report back.

    Kind regards,

    #311395 Reply


    @davemeurer wrote:

    Ah, sorry for my misunderstanding. You would like to add a new driver template that contains a different dialect, or just modify the dialect of the current template.

    I currently don’t see a mechanism to do that, but let me keep checking and I’ll report back.

    Kind regards,

    Thanks! I appreciate it!

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