
Add plugins to phonegap projects

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  • #364957 Reply

    Antonio Raimondo

    we have the last vision of My E. and we use it to develop mobile apps.
    Everything is ok but we have problems when we want to add some plugins to the projects.
    For example, we are trying to add to a phonegap project, the plugin com.disusered.open, the directory is correctly generated into plugins but the instruction to call the plugin cordova.plugins.disusered.open (file url) gives error.
    What is the correct way to call the plugin?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,

    Antonio Raimondo

    #365307 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please share with us the MyEclipse Version and Build Id details from Help > About section ?
    Here is the ReadME for the plugin : https://github.com/disusered/cordova-open
    Please recheck if you are calling the method correctly as detailed in the ReadME. Please share with us the code snippet used to call the method along with the exact error you are seeing to help us replicate the issue at our end.

    MyEclipse Support

    #365557 Reply

    Antonio Raimondo

    thank you for your reply.
    MyEclipse Version: 2015 Stable 1.0
    Build ID: 13.0.0-20150115

    The project was build in Mobione and then imported into MyEclipse (thank you to the guide).
    The file config.xml has the followed string:
    <gap:plugin name=”com.disudered.open” version=”1.0.4″ source=”plugins.cordova.io” />
    The code string to call the plugin is:
    cordova.plugins.disusered.open(url) (url is the address of the remote image).
    The simulator gives this error:
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘disudered’ of undefined

    Thank you so much,


    #378273 Reply



    I am afraid there is a spelling error in the plugin name declaration in the config.xml file.

    Instead of :

    <gap:plugin name=”com.disudered.open” version=”1.0.4″ source=”plugins.cordova.io” />
    it should be :

    <gap:plugin name="com.disusered.open" version="1.0.4" source="plugins.cordova.io"/>

    Please recheck and see if it fixes the issue.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    MyEclipse Support

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