
Alternate build location not deployable [Enhancement]

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  • #202892 Reply

    I tried to set up a linked directory as the location for my built classes. Once done, I deployed I built the project and then deployed it to my application server. The classes were not copied from the linked build directory to the /classes directory on the application server. In my mind, this should happen no matter where I tell Eclipse to put my classes. Am I wrong in my thinking?

    I need to do this because I am working in ClearCase and if I build to the WEB-INF/classes directory, I am building across a network NFS drive and the build process is significantly slower than building locally. Additionally, I do not want those binaries even considered in ClearCase.

    Is there a way to configure around this? If not, can we get this set as a future enhancement?

    #202893 Reply


    I’ll look into this more closely. Does your Eclipse log contain any error messages related to deployment and linked resources?

    The planned 2.8/3.8 release will support linked resources throughout a project structure. The following link is an enhancement discussion thread.

    #202904 Reply

    I didn’t see any errors that look related.

    Does MyEclipse just copy the WebContent directory to the deploy directory and not look anywhere else?

    #202906 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes it does, linked resources are not supported just yet but is a very popular request that, as Michael pointed out, will be addressed in the 2.8 release.

    #202909 Reply

    Does that require that the build directory must be set to the WEB-INF/classes directory?

    #202910 Reply


    Yes. The WebProject wizard sets the output folder of the project to <web-root>/WEB-INF/classes.

    #202924 Reply

    Is there a way to work around that limitation? If not, can we log it as an enhancement request?

    I’d like to see the contents of the “build” directory copied into the <web root>/WEB-INF/classes on deployment. That way, it doesn’t matter where you build to.

    #202928 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    bromley I will mark this as a feature request for you.

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