
Angular IDE not working properly after updating to CodeMix

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  • #599622 Reply



    After installing updates in my Angular IDE, I got CodeMix2, but it was not working properly, I can’t create new projects, the codemix engine is not actually running (although i see it on the help tab) there is no icon on the left bottom corner. The Terminal+ is not working either, so no running or debugging my projects.
    I tried to revert/uninstall and install again, but no luck.

    Any ideas of how to fix it?


    #599623 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with the update. Can you please send us the details requested in point #5 of the following topic?

    And just to be sure, I’m assuming you had an Angular IDE standalone install, installed using an offline installer. Is that correct?

    #599627 Reply



    Thank you for your prompt reply, yes I had installed Angular Ide some months ago from an offline installer.

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    #599634 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Can you check if you have a [user_home]/.codemix/engine folder? If yes, can you tell us the size of this folder, and the contents of the engine.json file within?

    Then, ensure Angular IDE is shut down, and delete the engine folder. On restarting Angular IDE, it will be re-created, does your IDE now work – do you now see the CodeMix icon at the bottom left?

    #599642 Reply


    Yes I do have this folder, with a size of 319 MB.

    The engine.json has just one line: {“version”:207,”appVersion”:211}

    I deleted the engine folder, and restarted Angular IDE but the folder was not recreated, and it is still not working, no CodeMix icon is shown.

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    #599646 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Do restart one more time (just to be sure), then please send us your error log file again, that should now have additional details on why we can’t extract the engine and/or why we’re unable to connect.

    #599648 Reply


    Still no luck but here it’s my log file again.

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    #599651 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Are you available for a web meeting? If you can let us know what times are good for you today, we can set up a meeting and should be able to figure this out live.

    #599671 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    We’ve made some fixes to code that might cause this sort of issue, and added some logging to our plugins as well. Please follow the steps below to apply a patch to your existing install and let us know if this resolves your issues. Note: Do send us your log file even if your issue is resolved.

    1) Shut down Angular IDE
    2) Ensure no CodeMix Engine process is running by checking your Task Manager – please kill any you find running
    3) Delete your [user_home]/.codemix/engine folder if it exists
    4) In your Angular IDE installation directory, under the plugins folder, find the following resources and delete them.
    com.genuitec.eclipse.code.engine.win32.x86_64_2.0.0.201809181327 (this is a directory)
    Note – if you do not find these exact files and directories (especially the version numbers), this fix will not work. Please ensure you have updated CodeMix and recheck.
    5) Download: http://downloads.genuitec.com/downloads/partners/misc/AngularIDE-2018.9.25a-fix2.zip
    6) Unzip the zip into your plugins folder from where you earlier deleted the resources.
    7) Edit your angularide.ini file and add
    to the first line of the file, on a line by itself.
    8) Start Angular IDE.

    Please let us know if your engine folder is recreated and whether your IDE now works. Do send us the log file regardless, it will help us correctly fix the issue for all users. You can also remove the -clean argument from the angularide.ini file.

    #599707 Reply


    It does not work, I have the same problem as alopezfdez, unfortunately that solution does not work. The software keeps presenting the same errors already mentioned above. I hope that this solution has worked for alopezfdez.

    #599718 Reply


    Would you mind sharing your workspace log? These updated plugins also have some additional logging which may help us understand the root cause.

    Thanks and sorry you are running into this.

    #599719 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    If you’ve applied this fix, please share the latest log file generated as there is essential debugging information now being generated by the new plugins. We would also be happy to have a call as I mentioned earlier, so we can resolve your issues ASAP.

    #599722 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    If you’ve applied this fix, please share the latest log file generated as there is essential debugging information now being generated by the new plugins. We would also be happy to have a call as I mentioned earlier, so we can resolve your issues ASAP.

    #599745 Reply


    This is my .log

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    #599749 Reply



    So I have applied the fix but it didn’t have any effect.
    The engine folder was not recreated and still no icon on the left of the codemix engine.

    I attached my log file.


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