
Auto-update in OSX failed; Eclipse left non-functional.

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  • #241016 Reply


    I have been running MyEclipse EWB 3.8.4 since February, all things working fine. I am running on OS X 10.4.2.

    Tonight, I selected Help->Software updates, and performed updates of the three Features indicated (Eclipse, JbossIDE, and MyEclipse). Note: The MyEclipse feature listing did not seem to refer to the most recent version of the 4.0 MyEclipse EWB. But I assumed it would be a multi-stage upgrade, and as I upgraded to successive releases, it would tell me about what was next to do when I repeated the process.

    However, after performing the first update, and allowing Eclipse to exit and (try to) restart itself, Eclipse fails to launch successfully. I get an error dialog indicating an error, referring me the log file.

    The log file contains lots of similar errors. Representative sample:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.561
    !MESSAGE Bundle update@/Users/jbatson/Applications/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ant.ui_3.0.2/ [6] was not resolved.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.561
    !MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.ide_0.0.0.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.561
    !MESSAGE Missing optionally required bundle org.eclipse.ui.views_0.0.0.
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.570
    !MESSAGE Bundle update@/Users/jbatson/Applications/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.compare_3.0.0/ [7] was not resolved.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.573
    !MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.eclipse.ui_0.0.0.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi Nov 08, 2005 02:53:53.573

    and etc. for many, many missing bundles.

    I saw a reference to running with -clean once after an upgrade, so I went to the following directory and did the following. (Note, it isn’t clear this is the correct way to do this; but I couldn’t find any OSX-specific instructions on how to launch with -clean.)

    % cd (MyEclipse installation dir)/Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS
    %./eclipse -clean

    I received similar errors.

    At the moment, I cannot launch MyEclipse — which is a HUGE problem, since I’m supposed to release some software tomorrow. (Yes, you have the right to say I shouldn’t have done this the day before a release…. But I had some major CVS branch integration to do, and I was hoping the branch improvements on Eclipse 3.1.0 would save my butt, so I took the risk.)

    My goal would be to get it running with the current release, but I’ll downgrade to the last backup if I need to. (It’s just lots of work to do that; a whole day of work product would need re-integrated, and much uncomfortable explanation to management would follow….)

    What to do? I have a valid MyEclipse subscription at this time.

    #241023 Reply



    Try this… Change into the eclipse installation directory, the one where Eclipse.app and the eclipse files are located and then run the following command:

     % ./eclipse -clean -vm Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/java_swt 

    See if that will perform the clean. If that doesn’t work you can try to make a copy of your current workspace and then install a brand new copy of Eclipse + MyEclipse and point to the new copied workspace.

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