
Automatic Dialling of a number

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  • #345851 Reply


    Hi, I’m using the command phoneui.callPhone(vPhoneNumber); to initiate a call.

    However, on Android phones, this brings up the dialling screen, with a specified number in the dial edit box, and then the user has the option to press the call button to dial that number.

    Is there a way for an App to automatically dial a specified number, i.e. without any user intervention?

    #345874 Reply


    What I should of added to the previous request was:

    Is there a way for an App to automatically dial a specified number without any confirmation to ‘Call’ the number?

    #345883 Reply


    >Is there a way for an App to automatically dial a specified number, i.e. without any user intervention?

    No, the dialing experience is transparent to the user. That is the user is able to see the number being called and has the option to cancel it if he chooses. The rationale is that the user is liable for the the resources the app uses and how they are used. e.g., imagine an app making a hidden international call or calling a porn chatline, … the user gets to see what’s up and veto the call if he chooses.

    #345889 Reply


    Hi, thank you for your reply.

    Is this functionality proprietary to PhoneGap or is it industry SmartPhone standards?

    The reason for my question is that I’m hearing from other Companies that their native Apps don’t have this issue, I.e. Users don’t have to confirm a dial a number. So, the question is that if I were to write a native app outside the PhoneGap platform would I be able to control the dialling procedure?

    Many thanks

    #345890 Reply



    I hear ya! I shared a bit of rationale in previous post as a blunt no is sometimes too terse. This is how the dial action is implemented in mobione at this time. Note there is nothing magical about the mobione generated code (std html, js, css). Thus you can repurpose the app content and implement any action using other mechanisms.

    #345895 Reply


    Hi thank you for the confirmation.

    You mention “implement any action using other mechanisms”. What are your thoughts here?


    #345980 Reply

    Hi etagski,

    We don’t know of an alternative for direct dialing. I wanted to clarify that there is nothing magical about the code generated by mobione in your project if you were to choose to enhance it with your own custom features and build it outside of mobione.

    #345991 Reply


    Thank you for your reply.

    How about a suggested requirement to change the command ‘phoneui.callPhone(vPhoneNumber)’ to be
    ‘phoneui.callPhone(vPhoneNumber, vConfirm)’ with vConfirm being a boolean value to allow the developer to control how they would like to treat the functionality when they want to make a phone call. {If vConfirm is true, then it would action the current functionality, if vConfirm is false, then an App would automatically call a specified number without any further confirmation pop-ups.}

    Can the MobiOne team make this change or does a change request have to be passed back to the PhoneGap team? I’m a bit unsure where the split occurs.

    I believe this functionality would be beneficial for all MobiOne developers; all I’m trying to achieve is to call a phone number without any further confirmation pop-ups


    #346004 Reply


    Due to some security issues with Operating systems it may not be possible to have a phone dial without user interaction. As this could allow a developer to create an app that dials a number that charges the user without their OK.
    I could be wrong on this, though I would not install an app that could dial without my confirmation.

    #346015 Reply


    Hi,thank you for your reply.

    If it was the case that a user knows that they are pressing a pre-set number as a panic button number this could be a case where automated dialling is vital.

    If this functionality is required would it be possible for it to be developed under the MobiOne platform?
    Is it the MobiOne or PhoneGap team that would look at this kind of change request?

    Many thanks in advance.

    #346018 Reply


    Yes, I can see many reason that it would be useful, emergency contacts, dialing into meetings and such, but some people would abuse it.
    After a quick search it looks like this may be able to be done on Android, but not iOS.
    ” iOS doesn’t allow any application to directly initiate a call because of security and privacy reasons.”
    This was based on an older post, but I don’t see Apple allowing this as they keep a tight reign on stuff like this.

    #346023 Reply



    Could you kindly provide me with the web link that describes this information?

    If the functionality is OK on Android would it possible to provide this functionality via MobiOne even though we know it is Android specific? So the same code would provide the enhanced functionality on Android ( dial without confirmation) but default to the current functionality for iPhone?


    #346060 Reply

    Hi etagski,

    >If the functionality is OK on Android would it possible to provide this functionality via MobiOne even though we know it is Android specific?
    This is not possible in Mobione. We have no plans at this time for a platform specific change of the dial feature. We want to minimize feature fragmentation across platforms and the significant cost increases such changes bring.

    #346067 Reply


    Thank you for your assistance on this matter.

    To help me present these various issues in a document to the client that wants this functionality is there a comprehensive web link that explains the dial security restrictions across Android / iPhone platforms?

    #346100 Reply


    Two things.

    1. I did find where you can use xCode to call without interaction using:

    without interaction / This will dial a call without prompting the user [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tel:1-800-555-1212"]]; With interaction NSString *number = @"telprompt://1-800-555-1212"; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:number]];

    However I still doubt Apple will accept it.

    2. There are a couple android apps that seem to have this functionality, though I could not find any actual code that seems like it would work in the quick searches I did.

    If you have a Apple developer license you can call them and they will let you know if it can be done. You will have to search their website for the support #

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