- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
In MyEclipse 10, the key combination to move between matching braces and/or brackets in the JSP Editor was “Ctrl + Shift + P”. Well, now that seems to have been assigned to “Go To Matching Character” under the Navigate pull-down menu, and I don’t see the specific function to go between matching braces available anywhere in the menus.
Can we get this functionality back? You can even assign it to something resembling the vi/vim editor, e.g. “%” or, to make sure it’s not seen as input to the open file, “Ctrl + Shift + 5”.
HTH. Let us know.
Sorry that you are seeing this issue. It is a known issue in Eclipse and since MyEclipse is based on Eclipse, you are seeing it in MyEclipse.
For JSP files there is a key binding conflict with the “Add Maven Plugin” command. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys. Search for ‘Add Maven Plugin’ or ‘Ctrl+Shift+P’. Select the ‘Add Maven Plugin’ command and click on ‘Unbind Command’. Apply the changes and check if the Ctrl+Shift+P works in JSP pages.
Here is the link to the Eclipse bug for your reference : https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=221850
Let us know how it works for you.
MyEclipse SupportGreetings Swapna,
And thanks for the response.
But, no.. Unbinding the “Add Maven Plugin” did not restore the functionality, nor did, as was noted in the bug report, adding the key binding for it and setting it to “When Editing JSP Source”.
I even tried copying the binding of “Go To Matching Bracket” for “When Editing Java Source”, which *does* still work BTW, but after setting the binding to “Shift+Ctrl+P” and changing the When to “Editing JSP Source”, it *still* did not restore the functionality. Nor did changing the binding to “Ctrl+Shift+5” as I suggested above.
Now, a couple things to note regarding this “bug”:
1.) The original bug report was submitted on March 7th, 2008 with the last activity being September 10th, 2013… Yet the bug is still listed as “NEW”. (Not usually a good sign. :-/ )
2.) The last poster that suggested the conflict with the “Add Maven Plugin” seems to be incorrect from the perspective that the “Add Maven Plugin” binding is currently set for “Wnen Editing XML Source”. So, there really shouldn’t be a conflict in that respect… Not specifically saying it isn’t a conflict, just that it shouldn’t be from the definitions.
3.) The other bug that the last poster has linked in his post regarding “Conflicting Key Bindings” was Closed for inactivity in September 2014, yet the “Matching Brackets in JSP’s or Javascript? (not working)” is *still* “NEW”!At this point, I am ready to give a bump to the “Matching Brackets in JSP’s or Javascript? (not working)” bug by thanking them for fixing the behavior in the Javascript (which *does* seem to work as expected currently) and pointing out that it still needs to be fixed in the JSP’s up through the Eclipse Platform version v4.4.2.v20150204-1700 (which I got from the Installation Summary in MyEclipse).
Now, would that be the correct version they are looking for, or are they looking for the version of the Eclipse Web Tools Platform => Eclipse Web Developer Tools and/or Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools, of which *both* are version “3.6.1.me201508121459”. (As a note, does the “me” there mean it’s a MyEclipse build of the package?)
Again, I thank you for your time and attention to this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for reporting your findings.
Are you working with MyEclipse 2015 CI 14 ?
You can mention the Eclipse Platform version when adding comments to the Eclipse bug.–Swapna
MyEclipse SupportGreetings,
Yes, here’s what it says on the About window:
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 2015 CI 14 Build id: 13.0.0-20150813
Well, let’s see if adding the bump to the report will get them to finish resolving that bug.
Thanks again for your time and attention to this.
With a little experimentation, I see that unbinding the matching bracket key binding for editing JSP source actually makes it work, at least for me. So you might try that. I’ll raise a bug for this to see what we can do here. Maybe there is some confusion over whether this is an XML, JSP or Javascript editor.
Also, regarding the Navigate menu, that does seem to be a bug in not matching the context properly, to provide the correct term but selecting “Matching Character” does actually match the bracket/parenthesis/brace. I’ll raise a bug for this, too.
The positioning of the cursor can be crucial, as can what is next to the character (so with the cursor between a parenthesis and a brace, it might go to the matching parenthesis, rather than the brace). Also, when positioning the cursor on one bracket, the matching bracket is highlighted and it is sometimes possible to highlight the whole text between brackets by double clicking just inside the open or close bracket, provided there is white space immediately after/before the bracket.
I hope this helps and sorry about the inconvenience.
Greetings Tony,
And, thanks for the response.
A couple notes for you:
1.) When I first started running this down, there was no “Go To Matching Bracket When Editing JSP Source” key binding on the list. It just had “Matching Bracket” bindings for Java Source, Javascript Source, Script Source and PyDev Editor Scope. I added it by copying the “Go To Matching Bracket When Editing Java Source” and changed it to “When Editing JSP Source”. Unbinding the one I created didn’t help, either. And, currently, I have it bound to “Shift+Ctrl+5” to make sure there isn’t any conflict with other bindings.
2.) As a comparison, I downloaded the latest stable Eclipse, Mars (a.k.a. v4.5.0), to see what it had, and for “When Editing JSP Source”, only had 3 bindings; “Add Im&port” (the way they wrote it! hehe), “Move” and “Rename”.So, I have already added the bump to the above listed bug on Eclipse’s Bugzilla. Anything else you can think of regarding this?
Again thank you for your time and attention to this issue.
Thanks for the notes, I’ll have to check again whether that key binding was supposed to be there for editing JSP source. So, does the Ctrl-Shift-P key combination not work when you completely remove that binding for editing JSP source? That worked for me.
I guess typos are not uncommon in any software documentation or GUIs, eh?
Hopefully, we can get this sorted before too long.
That is correct.
Unbinding it did not restore the functionality, for “CTRL+Shift+P” or “CTRL+Shift+5”.
Furthermore, when I did the unbind, clicked “Apply” then “Ok”, tested it and went back to the key bindings, the “Go To Matching Brackets When Editing JSP Source” I had created was removed from the list, as well. (I noticed other default bindings keep their entry when unbound. However, user-created ones seem to get deleted when unbound.)
So, it seems that the functionality is definitely not available. I added the fact that it is also not available in Eclipse Mars (v4.5.0) to the above bug report.
I guess we’ll see what happens.
Thanks again for your time and attention to this matter.
Thanks for keeping me straight! You’re right that the key binding isn’t there by default, in 2015 – I must have been looking at an old workspace where I’d added it previously. Still, it does work for me from the Navigate menu (regardless of the description in that menu). And it worked for me with the key combination – with no explicit binding for editing JSP source. Curious, but more investigation obviously needed.
This is now fixed in MyEclipse 2016 CI 1. Sorry for the inconvenience and please let us know if you see any further problems.