
Building Workspace SLOW!

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  • #234106 Reply


    Funny, the thought of trying to move my JARs to a local drive did cross my mind but I never got around to trying it. I do, in fact, have all my library jars on a shared drive. So I’ve now moved them to my local drive. Not sure how much I will get to test today, but once I’ve had a chance to work in MyEclipse with local jars for a while I will report on my findings.


    #234107 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Jim thank you for keeping up with us and keeping this thread current, this is very helpful to everyone in a similar situation.

    #234233 Reply


    It appears moving the include libraries from a share drive to a local drive did the trick. Now builds are nearly instantaneous whenever I save a file. Another advantage is the autocomplete is much faster as well.

    Thanks for all the help! I’m happy again…


    #234241 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad to hear it!

    #234501 Reply



    I don’t use a share drive. So this is not what is causing the problem.

    my output path is set to a directory


    there exists another path:

    which is used at our deployment (we start our weblogic and do the deployment with ant tasks outside ME).

    when I do a build project, everything not only in my project at

    is compiled to xyz/tmp/test/classes, but everything in xyz/tmp/test_ear is rebuild too. So is the content of


    Regards Jürgen

    #234759 Reply

    We have a few developers using a few differing setups with Eclipse 3.1 final, and as far as I can tell, only the ones who’ve installed the WTP are having the unending “Building Workspace” issue. I am using MyEclipse (Version: 3.9.210
    Build id: 20050627-4.0-Milestone-2) on Eclipse 3.1 (Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435) and almost every time I open a project, I get the “Building Workspace” message that just sits there doing nothing for a very long time with no change on the percentage indicator, but will usually finish after between 2 to 10 minutes or so. This behaviour repeats sporadically when I change a file or such in a project, trying to rebuild the entire workspace instead of just the project. If I open a project and immediately attempt another operation that stacks on the progress monitor, Eclipse will hang on Building Workspace forever (The longest I waited for it to finish was about 3 hours, and that was with 3 moderately sized projects open) The behaviour stops when I turn off automatic building (Project–>Build Automatically). If I then build the projects individually, there is no hanging and everything works fine.

    Now, as I said, I have MyEclipse installed. One guy here installed WTP, and has the same problem described above. Another developer has neither WTP or MyEclipse installed, and he has never had the problem. A fourth developer had WTP installed and had the problem, un-installed it, and has not had the problem since.

    I hope all this helps someone…

    – John O’Grady
    Senior Software Architect
    Comcast Online

    #234763 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Thanks for the information. First, please don’t install WTP *and* MyEclipse in the same Eclipse instance as they’re simply not compatible at this point and that will make Eclipse unstable.

    As for the building issue, Eclipse kicks off full workspace builds when its internal caches indicate that it’s necessary. There’s really nothing we can do about that. However, the issue of the time it takes might be addressable. My first thought is that the long build times could be caused by having a large number of JSP pages in your workspace. A full rebuild will recompile all of these by default, and that could take some time, as we all know how slow JSP compilation typically is. What I’d suggest is that for any projects you’re not actively developing on that you right-click on them and select Properties > MyEclipse-Validation and override the project preferences so that no validation is done on JSP pages (actually, you can add XML etc as well since the project isn’t actively being developed). That will at least cut down on the number of things being built on the full workspace rebuild. Even better, would be to close any projects you’re not actively using, as that will keep Eclipse from doing *anything* with them, but often that’s not an option. There is also an option to turn off validation for the entire workspace (Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Validation) which will definately speed things up, but you won’t see JSP errors before deployment, which really sucks. However, even if you do turn validation off globally, you’ll still be able to manually request validation when you want it by right clicking on the file and selecting MyEclipse > Run Validation. Please let us know how these changes affect your environments.

    #234772 Reply



    I never did install WTP. So this isn’t the problem here.
    Now I’ve set my output path to a different location. Building is faster now (at least it takes just some minutes intead of stalling).
    If a jsp is changed, it takes 20-40 sec. to build this jsp. the jsp are quite simple, less than 100 lines of code.
    when building, still a lot of building (I’ve read sth. like structural builder in the progress window) is done in locations which aren’t configured as build path.

    regards Jürgen

    #234788 Reply

    Thanks for the information. First, please don’t install WTP *and* MyEclipse in the same Eclipse instance as they’re simply not compatible at this point and that will make Eclipse unstable

    I thought that MyEclipse was built on a version of the WTP?

    My first thought is that the long build times could be caused by having a large number of JSP pages in your workspace.

    None of the projects I have open have more than one or two jsp’s in them, if at all.

    What I’d suggest is that for any projects you’re not actively developing on that you right-click on them and select Properties > MyEclipse-Validation and override the project preferences so that no validation is done on JSP pages (actually, you can add XML etc as well since the project isn’t actively being developed).

    I actually already thought of this. There’s a problem with this, though. Basically, I would check the “override” box and turn off validation for a project. The problem is that this setting does not stick – meaning when I close eclipse down and reopen, validation is again enabled for that project. Another bug, perhaps? Regardless, I still have the behaviour I described after I turn off all validation for each project individually. I have not, however, turned off validation globally. I will try this and report back. Keep in mind, however, that I am the only one out of the 4 cases I described that has MyEclipse installed, so I am pretty sure the problems detailed in this thread are not those of MyEclipse. I am just giving you all the information I can so you can pair it with your greater knowledge of the Eclipse underpinnings and maybe find a resolution.

    If you want anything else from my or any of my colleague’s environments, let me know.

    – John O’Grady
    Senior Software Architect
    Comcast Online

    #234909 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The hanging you are describing is the text-book “indexer” issue we had way back in 3.8.0 when we built ontop of WTP for that release. The problem is that WTP ships a indexer (searching, refactoring, etc.) that likes to hang up like crazy. These were *exactly* the symptoms.

    Can you double check your <eclipse dir>\plugins directory and see if you have any com.ibm.sse.* or com.ibm.wtp.* plugins? Maybe another worker installedi t on your machine to check ti out?

    #234931 Reply

    Well what do you know? I have the following in my general plugins directory:


    I wonder if these aren’t needed by another plugin I have? My installation configuration with the list of all my plugins is here:


    This brings up a question – in the new MyEclipse 4.0m2 installation I have, there are the following in the plugins directory:

    I know that was a clean installation, because when I changed from 3.8.x to 4.0, I deleted the MyEclipse directory, created a new one with your 4.0m2 zip package, started Eclipse with -clean, and then in the Manage Configuration pane, included the new directory with the new installation of MyEclipse. Doesn’t that mean you have at least parts of the WTP in your installation as well?

    I am very specific in how I keep my Eclipse installation partitioned – I have the MyEclipse dirctory for that plugin, the Eclipse Plugins directory for all 3rd party plugins, and then the original Eclipse plugins directory, which stays as it is from the initial base install.

    Take a look at the config details if you like and tell me what you think….
    – John O’Grady
    Senior Software Architect
    Comcast Online

    #234964 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Doesn’t that mean you have at least parts of the WTP in your installation as well?

    Absolutely, we’ve never made it a secret that we build ontop of WTP. This is one of the big reasons why installing WTP and MyEclispe side by side can be such a big issue, because loading another version of WTP will causing a huge amount of API incompatibility between MyEclipse and WTP. (which is particularly true during the early M-stages of pre-1.0 WTP)

    I am very specific in how I keep my Eclipse installation partitioned – I have the MyEclipse dirctory for that plugin, the Eclipse Plugins directory for all 3rd party plugins, and then the original Eclipse plugins directory, which stays as it is from the initial base install.

    This is a good approach.

    Take a look at the config details if you like and tell me what you think….

    MyEclipse ships EMF and GEF and relies on them quite heavily for all our designer implementations. It seems that you have newer copies installed under your Eclipse plugins dir (likely for VE). This will likely cause some problems but as long as you are able to work, you can keep them there. In 4.0 we will update our versions of EMF and GEF to the most recent stable release, so you shouldn’t need to download EMF/GEF separately when using VE anymore.

    #235357 Reply


    There’s always one:

    Eclipse: 3.1.0, build id: I20050610-1757
    MyEclipse: 4.0
    Java: 1.5.0_04
    (The only plugins I use are MyEclipse and Subclipse.)

    I have the exact same problem too, as soon as I open eclipse, it will start building. This will stay at 0% for up to 20 minutes, and once it does finish I get about 30 seconds to work with, then (as soon as I do anything useful, like save a file) the build process starts again for another 20mins. A lot of the time, the long build will actually make eclipse hang (the toolbar goes all white) and I know when this happens that (like astrien) I could leave the machine for an hour and it would still be sitting there.

    The first thing I thought was to turn off JSP validation, so I did this (and turned off XML, DTD, etc. while I was there). I have checked my eclipse plugins for com.ibm.wtp… and there is nothing. This is driving me insance! Basically every operation I try to perform, the ‘User operation is waiting for background work to complete’ dialog appears.

    One useful bit of information: I have two projects in eclipse, and this problem only starts when I have the larger project open. The larger project has slightly more files, but has many more jars on the build path (33, as opposed to 6 for the smaller project).

    #235358 Reply


    Oh yes, I also experienced the ‘turn off global validation doesn’t work’ problem, you might want to look into that. Had to do it at project level. To be honest I don’t think it’s validation, normally you see the name of the JSP file being built and you can watch it trawl through. This is not the case here, as literally ALL I get is Building Workspace: 0%

    Spec: –
    Intel 2.4GHz
    1GB RAM

    Shortcut has -vmargs -Xmx512m

    #235382 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    A few things:

    Eclipse: 3.1.0, build id: I20050610-1757

    This is not the final GA build of Eclipse 3.1, this is your first problem, MYEclipse requires the final GA release for stable operation. This is some previous M build (likely one of the last 2).

    I have the exact same problem too, as soon as I open eclipse, it will start building. This will stay at 0% for up to 20 minutes, and once it does finish I get about 30 seconds to work with, then (as soon as I do anything useful, like save a file) the build process starts again for another 20mins.

    Again, you just described the “Crazy WTP Indexer” issue that we had to kill. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you have WTP installed somewhere. Check your <eclipse install dir>\plugins directory for com.ibm.sse.* directories and com.ibm.wtp.* directories. Find any? If not, check your Help > Software Updates > Manage Config dialog, check each dir listed (except the MyEclipse one(s)) for WTP plugins.

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