I have just installed MyEclipse, and it all looks very promising!
I’m running Windows XP, Tomcat 5.0.18, and Eclipse 2.1.1.
Is there any way to specify an application base directory for Tomcat (the Host ‘docBase’ attribute) which is external to the $CATALINA_HOME and which may be recognised by the MyEclipse deployment tool?
The default base directory is ‘$CATALINA_HOME/webapps’, as you know.
I would like mine to be elsewhere, if possible.
There is no option to specify this in the ‘MyEclipse-Application Servers-Tomcat 5’ preferences, and it looks like the MyEclipse deployment tool assumes that my project should be deployed in the default ‘webapps’ directory.
I hope I do not sound un-appreciative!
Just wondering if I need to change my habits 🙂
Kind regards