
can not work on BIRT 4.16.0 working on MyEclipse 2023

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  • #702169 Reply


    myeclipse-2023.1.2 install will not allow me to add the Birt solution from the Eclipse Catalog. It fails saying “The following solutions are not available: Eclipse BIRT Latest latest”. if I proceed it does not really install enough to work, the perspective is there but there is not ‘report editor’ to use to edit the *.rptdesign files. How can I get the latest BIRT 4.16.0 release working in MyEclipse 2023?

    #702171 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Due to how BIRT is integrated with MyEclipse, it’s typically not possible to independently update it. BIRT 4.16 is a recent release, which would also require a more recent version of Eclipse than the one on which MyEclipse 2023 is based (Eclipse 2023-03) – it would not work with this version.

    I would recommend updating to MyEclipse 2024.1, which includes BIRT 4.15. Here too it won’t be possible to install BIRT 4.16, but hopefully 4.15 would work for you? If not, could you share what specific feature in BIRT 4.16 you need? This will help us prioritize future work in this area.


    #702178 Reply


    Thank you so much for that info!
    There are no specific features I am looking for. We have been using a very very old version of myEclipse and Birt and the task to upgrade them has just been passed on to me. The prev guy was working to move to myEclipse 2023, I can switch to the MyEclipse 2024.1 and BIRT 4.15. But when I installed myEclipse 2024 and attempt to add the birt from the myEclipse catalog it fails to install, even in an empty project. Can you point me to directions to add birt to myEclipse from the birt website rather than from the myEclipse catalog?

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by BHummingbird.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by BHummingbird.
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    #702205 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    The installation will fail because BIRT is already part of MyEclipse – this is what I meant when I said it’s not possible to independently update it.

    Since you’re not looking for specific features and version 4.15 is fine for you, is there a reason why you need to install it from the BIRT website instead of the MyEclipse integrated version? We make a few changes to BIRT so that it works well with MyEclipse, so installing an independent version of BIRT is not recommended. Do let us know so we can assist you better.


    #702211 Reply


    Thank you, I understand now. The old version we had, had to be installed via the plugins. That was the reason I was looking for that.

    It looks like I am good with this. I do finally see the old *.rptdesign files opening in the myEclipse Report Editor and it looks good there.

    I do still need the birt lib for my libBirt directory on my client. I am assuming that is the birt Runtime zip, birt-runtime-4.15.0-202403270652.zip (https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/birt/updates/release/4.15.0/downloads/birt-runtime-4.15.0-202403270652.zip). Does that sound right to you?

    #702229 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    If you create a new MyEclipse Reports project, we will automatically include the right libraries for you in the project. Some of the JARs are slightly modified to work with the project structure we use for these project.

    The ZIP you pointed to is correct and corresponds to the version of BIRT in MyEclipse (we use these same resources and JARs in the projects that we create), you are free to use that as well, but there will be some manual work in placing the libraries and the resources in the right location.

    I would recommend creating a MyEclipse Reports project, perhaps even just a reference project to copy resources / settings from if you need to update an existing project.

    #702231 Reply


    Our Birt reports are integrated into our application. The reports run using handlers (DataSources->EventHandler) to request the queries from our server. There are several functions calling out to our server for other information while Birt writes the output. Our database change per build and customer that is why we must use the handlers.

    Our application opens a jsp that builds and offers up search criteria that it then passes on to the birt request…

    <birt:parameterPage id=”birtParmPage”
    name=”promptform” pattern=”frameset” height=”600″ width=”800″
    format=”html” title=”myReport1″ isCustom=”true” showTitle=”true”
    showToolBar=”true” showNavigationBar=”true”

    Is this no longer going to work?

    #702293 Reply


    Our Birt reports are integrated into our application. The reports run using handlers (DataSources->EventHandler) to request the queries from our server. There are several functions calling out to our server for other information while Birt writes the output. Our database change per build and customer that is why we must use the handlers.

    Our application opens a jsp that builds and offers up search criteria that it then passes on to the birt request…

    <birt:parameterPage id=”birtParmPage”
    name=”promptform” pattern=”frameset” height=”600″ width=”800″
    format=”html” title=”myReport1″ isCustom=”true” showTitle=”true”
    showToolBar=”true” showNavigationBar=”true”

    Is this no longer going to work?

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