
Can’t deploy exploded to container home inside web project

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  • #291444 Reply


    When I try to deploy a web project using Exploded Archive mode to a container with a home folder located under the project root itself (e.g. Project/apps/jetty-6.1.14) the deployment silently fails to copy any files into the webapps dir. There are no errors reported in my workspace/.metadata/.log. The Servers view appears as if the operation suceeded, showing the deployment with OK status and the proper Mode and Location values, but the operation completes too quickly and there are no files to be found upon a refresh of the webapps dir for the container.

    A subsequent redeploy fails with a dialog containing a lengthy message that seems boil down to: “I can’t find the exploded WAR to remove prior to redeployment so I punt.” There is also the following in workspace/.metadata/.log:

    !MESSAGE Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents. You'll need to manually 'Redeploy' the project to update the deployed archive.

    Unlike Redeploy the Remove Deployment command quietly succeeds.

    It works fine for Packaged Archived mode .war deployments (but then no hot-swapping of course). Exploded mode works if the container home is located in another project, or anywhere else on disk that is not under the Web project’s root.

    I’ve reproduced this with two different projects in two different workspaces. On one the container was Jetty 6.1.14, and for the other it was Tomcat 6.0.18.

    The motivation for locating the container install within the project root was to have it conveniently located for version control as well as configuration overlays performed by Ant targets in the project’s build file.

    *** Date:
    Sunday, November 30, 2008 12:56:26 AM PST

    ** System properties:
    OS version=10.5.5
    Java version=1.5.0_16

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 7.0 Milestone-2
    Build id: 7.0-M2-20080915

    *** Eclipse details:
    Eclipse SDK

    Version: 3.4.1
    Build id: M20080911-1700

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-9I96EiDElYevwz-p1bP5z-NlAaP7vtX6Utotqsu
    Build id: M20080911-1700

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080709-0800-7o7tEAfEF_U5qyUgrb2HAp539P97
    Build id: M20080709-0800

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.4.1.r341_v20080731-7T7U0E9mlRIuGUYviF_VP
    Build id: I20080617-2000

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.4.1.R34x_v20080827-7O7S78C2J40sK2o_ALcK8tLN_yZSJeg0P-3EtL4Ra90kv
    Build id: M20080911-1700

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework GEF

    Version: 3.4.0.v20080115-677-8082A5696H274A
    Build id: 200806091334

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.4.100.r341_v20080814-989JESIEdAciFYfkZZsBfSwQ2341
    Build id: I20080617-2000

    Eclipse startup command=-os

    #291512 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Thank you for bringing this up. I have filed a PR for the dev team and we will try to get this fixed asap.

    #291657 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    Thank you for bringing this up. I have filed a PR for the dev team and we will try to get this fixed asap.

    Thanks! I’ll keep an eye on this thread for updates.

    #291685 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Thanks! I’ll keep an eye on this thread for updates.

    Your welcome.

    #295159 Reply


    This is happening same for the weblogic/tomcat out side the webproject also. when i first run the project on a server it deploys fine. but once in wish to redeploy it .. it just could not copy all the files into the specified exploded directory. tested on both the tomacat 5.5 and weblogic 9.2
    Hope you solve it soon.

    #295171 Reply



    A PR is filed for this issue. If you have deployed a web project using exploded archive, you need not redeploy again, it automatically gets redeployed.

    Thank you.

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