
Cannot open JSP files with JSP Designer since update to 5.1

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  • #262222 Reply


    Ok, I go to Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration. The root node of the tree I see is called “MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench”, below this node there are two other nodes: [eclipse install dir] and [myeclipse install dir]/eclipse (dirs between brackets resolve to paths on my system).

    I unfold the “[myeclipse install dir]/eclipse” node. There’s a new node called “MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.1.0”. I select this, and click on the disable button. A dialog comes up saying: “Requested operation can not be performed since it would invalidate the current configuration.” The details says: “Resulting configuration does not contain the platform”.

    #262229 Reply


    Then disable the 5.1 install, rolling back to 5.0.1. Then restart MyEclipse and re-run the update manager. It should re-enable the 5.1 update but also pull down the updated plugin, fixing the issue.

    I managed to be able to disable 5.1 by not starting up Eclipse with the -product com.genuitech.myeclips.product.ide switch.

    Only 5.0.1 did not came back automatically. In the manage configurations dialog I had to enable “show disabled features” and manually enable 5.0.1 again. When I now run the update manager through help -> software updates -> find and install -> Search for updates of the currently installed features, nothing shows up.

    If I choose help -> software updates -> find and install -> Search for new features to install, and manually select the MyEclipse Discovery site, the only thing that shows up is Matisse4MyEclipse version 5.x.

    I’ve been an Eclipse user since version 2 and even have developped a few (simple) plugins of my own, but I think the scenario you just described is extremely hard. It seems that just re-installing everything is a lot simpler.

    Btw, I still don’t understand why this happened to my setup in the first place. I absolutely didn’t install a seperate WTP. My previous install was just Eclipse, MyEclipse and subversive. Then a few weeks later I run this 5.1 MyEclipse update and the JSP editor broke.

    I would like to try the archived update site now, but did you forget to update this? In the download sections is says: “Added on: 13-Nov-2006”, which is still the original date.

    #262230 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    First, let me say that I’m very sorry you experienced such a problem with the update. I’ll do my best to answer your questions and explain the issues involved.

    When I now run the update manager through help -> software updates -> find and install -> Search for updates of the currently installed features, nothing shows up.

    That could be because the old install is still being picked up or that the setting at Preferences > Update Manager > “compatible” rather than “equivalent”.

    I’ve been an Eclipse user since version 2 and even have developped a few (simple) plugins of my own, but I think the scenario you just described is extremely hard. It seems that just re-installing everything is a lot simpler.

    I agree. I think Riyad was simply trying to give you some additional options. Personally, I’d just download the “all-in-one” installer and be done with it.

    Btw, I still don’t understand why this happened to my setup in the first place. I absolutely didn’t install a seperate WTP. My previous install was just Eclipse, MyEclipse and subversive. Then a few weeks later I run this 5.1 MyEclipse update and the JSP editor broke.

    Totally our fault. The problem was that one plugin in our distribution didn’t get a new version number when it should have. As a result, that plugin wasn’t installed from the update site when you updated since the update manager didn’t think it had changed. This caused the break. Due to your posts and a few others we quickly determined the issue and fixed the update site, but not before causing some problems for some of our users. For that we’re truly sorry and want to thank you for your assistance in identifying the problem and for your patience as we worked through it.

    #262233 Reply

    Victor Ott

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    We fixed this on the update site, so for new updates it will work fine, but for folks with existing installs that aren’t working the solution is to go to your Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration window, then disable your WST and JST plugins from your Eclipse install, and let MyEclipse load it’s own copies.

    Riyad, does the ‘updated’ ME 5.1 download include more changes than the fix for the upgrade issue? Me and my colleagues have successfully fixed the upgrade issue using the simple procedure I suggested on 16 Nov 10:37PM, while keeping both all other plugins and ME settings, but now we are wondering if we have to update again…


    #262237 Reply


    When I now run the update manager through help -> software updates -> find and install -> Search for updates of the currently installed features, nothing shows up.

    That could be because the old install is still being picked up or that the setting at Preferences > Update Manager > “compatible” rather than “equivalent”.

    Ah, my bad. I was so aggitated by everything not reacting as being explained here, that I forgot about this setting.

    So, I changed the setting to “compatible”, run the update manager again, and indeed did the upgrade to 5.1 show up now. I did the upgrade, and like you said it didn’t started to download the whole 5.1 feature. It was finished in mere seconds.

    I restarted. Selected a JSP file, opened it with the Visual Editor and…

    Same error!

    I then changed the file associations so the Visual Editor is the default again. Just to be sure I restarted Eclipse once more with -clean. Double clicked on a JSP file and…

    Still the same error in my log! 🙁

    Now the only thing that may have been different with my setup is that I initially upgraded using the “archived update site” while for this ‘fixing upgrade’ I used the on-line one.

    #262238 Reply


    @vict0r wrote:

    Hello again,
    4. Uninstall M4ME 5.0 and ME 5.0.1, do the required E restart(s) ! This does not delete the ME config settings.

    Do you have any advice what to do if ME 5.0.1 is disabled, M4ME is not installed, and there is simply no uninstall button when selecting ME 5.0.1?

    5. Download the ME 5.1 _archived_ update site.

    Why would this help? The ME 5.1 archived update site hadn’t been updated. The text at the download section still mentions 13 november.

    #262252 Reply



    Could you try installing MyEclipse 5.1 in a brand new directory? Just uznip Eclipse 3.2 again and then install a fresh copy of MyEclipse and see if that will working correctly. This would at least get you up and running and you could point that new MyEclipse workspace over to your existing workspace. The update that you tried should have worked, so at least a brand new install we know should work correctly and get you back to working instead of trying to upgrade.

    #262301 Reply



    I re-installed everything (Eclipse, MyEclipse, Subversive) and started with a new workspace. Opening JSP files works again when using the visual designer. Too bad the downgrade/re-upgrade path didn’t work for me, but atleast everything is back to normal now 😉

    #262306 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for hanging in there and doing that.

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