
cannot start eclipse3.1

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  • #234611 Reply

    I have downloaded eclipse3.1 and extracted the files to dir c:\eclipse3.1.
    When I try to start the application either using the shortcut or via command prompt,
    eclipse -vm c:\j2sdk\bin\javaw.exe, I get the following error.
    MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find framework

    I downloaded the zip file again but still get the same message.
    One note, I dont have local admin rights on my machine. However, have full rights over the folder in which I install. Is the local admin right required.

    Please advice on how to get eclipse working. Thanks in advance.

    #234638 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev.

    Make sure you grab the Eclipse SDK download (100+ MB)

    #234725 Reply

    Yes, I have downloaded eclipse-SDK-3.1-win32 100+ MB.
    I extracted the contents of zip to dir c:\eclipse3.1, then when I click on eclipse application
    or even try by command prompt, the above mentioned message occurs.
    Please advise.

    #234905 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think your download could likely be corrupted, try and redownload the SDK zip file.

    #234943 Reply


    @newbie_eclipse wrote:

    Yes, I have downloaded eclipse-SDK-3.1-win32 100+ MB.
    I extracted the contents of zip to dir c:\eclipse3.1, then when I click on eclipse application
    or even try by command prompt, the above mentioned message occurs.
    Please advise.

    ‘newbie_eclipse’, you should post your question to an Eclipse-specific group. As far as I can tell, this is not a MyEclipse issue.

    #234952 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    What version of Java are you trying to use to start Eclipse? It requires JDK 1.4.2 or later and will not launch with earlier JVMs.

    #251639 Reply


    hi frnds,
    i am using eclipse3.1 IDE.but i am not getting option of developing struts project.
    so if eclipse3.1 supports struts plz tell about development procedures.
    any other option will be appriciated
    atul mishra

    #251649 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Eclipse does not support Struts. You need to get a 3rd party product that adds that support. Like MyEclipse (this site), or WebTools or Exadel or NitroX

    #264434 Reply


    @newbie_eclipse wrote:

    Yes, I have downloaded eclipse-SDK-3.1-win32 100+ MB.
    I extracted the contents of zip to dir c:\eclipse3.1, then when I click on eclipse application
    or even try by command prompt, the above mentioned message occurs.
    Please advise.

    Ran into the same problem.
    It’s a problem from using the unzip application that comes with windows. Delete your eclipse install and then use
    ‘jar xvf <eclipse-zip-file>’ from the command line to extract (winzip probably works too…)

    Good luck!

    #264677 Reply


    If you receive the following error after installing Eclipse (and attempting to start it)

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find framework

    It may mean that the distributable has not been properly extracted.
    The Use Folder Names option must be used when extracting the ZIP file.

    Here’s how I fixed it when I ran into this problem

    1. Download the distribution (E.g. “eclipse-SDK-3.2.1-win32.zip”)
    2. Use WinZip to extract
    3. On Winzip User Interface select “Use Folder Names” and provide a destination directory, I chose “C:\java\eclipse”
    4. Double Click “C:\java\eclipse.exe” to start the program. Note also that if the destination directory contains ZIP files after the install, the “Use Folder Names” option probably wasn’t checked during the extract.

    Good Luck

    (Thanks also for allowing me to post this off-topic article. It was the first hit that looked like it might have the answer)

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