
Cannot start Websphere 7.0 server in Debug mode (Win 7-64)

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  • #341141 Reply


    Hi all,

    My system is windows7 64 bit and I am using MyEclipse blue edition 10.7.1. I am trying to run websphere server in debug mode but it is not running. It shows me icon of debug the server also starts but on updating the server the server status it shows run mode and it runs in run mode rather than debug mode.It is not Starting in debug mode.I have tried the solution of copying dt_socket.dll file in the system 32 directory.But still it is not working.

    Please tell me possible solution for it.

    #341143 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. This is a known issue.We already have a PR filed and the dev team is investigating it.

    Please try the workaround suggested by Tony in this thread :

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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