
Cant debug a Jrun Servlet – please help if you can

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  • #200011 Reply


    Using the following

    eclipse – 2.1.2
    myEclipse – downloaded and installed today.
    jdk – j2sdk1.4.2_02

    Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Application Servers -> JRun 4

    JDK -> clicked Add…

    Next dialog comes up

    JRE type : Standard VM is filled in
    JRE name: is blank
    JRE home directory: is blank
    Javadoc URL: is blank

    JRE system librairies: is blank

    Use default system libriaries is checked

    A prompt says Enter a name for the JRE.

    I click Browse… next the the JRE home directory and navigate to my c: drive to the folder where jdk is installed


    Click ok and the JRE home directory is filled in with that path and folder name.

    The JRE system libraries list box is filled in with the following


    In the JRE name box I type in j2sdk1.4.2_02

    JRun JDK Name [j2sdk1.4.2_02]
    Launch – Debug mode
    Paths – nothing filled in

    From the My Eclipse tool bar I can now start and stop the server.
    My deployed application – one jsp and one servlet are deployed using the deploy wizard. I can access the jsp and the servlet fine.

    Now the problem – if I set a breakpoint in the servlet and try to request the servlet – the brower just hangs and the servlet never gets called – never gets to the breakpoint.

    What am I doing wrong?


    #200017 Reply


    Sounds like the connector is configured correctly. Following are a few questions to see if we can isolate the issue:

    1) Check the connector’s Launch page and verify that JRun is launched in debug mode.
    2) Are you launching MyEclipse with the J2SKD1.4.2_02 VM? If not, try it.
    3) Can you debug a simple Java program? (Try creating a helloworld project and set a breakpoint in it for testing).
    4) I helped test the JRun4 connector and deployment and we used J2SDK 1.4.2_01 without incident. Previous problems similar to this that we have encountered were due to Eclipse-JDK compatibility issues. For example make sure the connector is using the same JDK/VM used to launch Eclipse (remember it must be a JDK, not a JRE since the appserver needs access to the Java compiler for JSP compilation).

    MyEclipse Support

    #200020 Reply


    1) Check the connector’s Launch page and verify that JRun is launched in debug mode.

    It is set to Debug

    2) Are you launching MyEclipse with the J2SKD1.4.2_02 VM? If not, try it.

    Not sure how to verify this but I renamed the c:\j2sdk1.4.0_01 that I had up until today to c:\old.j2sdk1.4.0_01 to make sure no one could find the original directory.

    How would I verify the jdk eclipse is using?

    3) Can you debug a simple Java program? (Try creating a helloworld project and set a breakpoint in it for testing).

    No – I cannot debug a simple java program any more. I was able to before installing MyEclispe.

    4) I helped test the JRun4 connector and deployment and we used J2SDK 1.4.2_01 without incident. Previous problems similar to this that we have encountered were due to Eclipse-JDK compatibility issues. For example make sure the connector is using the same JDK/VM used to launch Eclipse (remember it must be a JDK, not a JRE since the appserver needs access to the Java compiler for JSP compilation).

    In my original post – I stated exactly what I did.

    Thanks for your help.

    John O’

    #200024 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    3) Can you debug a simple Java program? (Try creating a helloworld project and set a breakpoint in it for testing).

    No – I cannot debug a simple java program any more. I was able to before installing MyEclispe.

    That’s very odd. Could it be caused by renaming the JDK that was being launched to run Eclipse previously (c:\j2sdk1.4.0_01) and now Eclipse is being launched with some ancient, random JDK from your Windows installation? You might try changing the name back to see if basic debugger functionality returns with the next Eclipse launch. Or, you could try uninstalling MyEclipse and relaunching Eclipse to verify debugger functionality with a simple test project. If that is OK, please try reinstalling MyEclipse and retesting the debugger again, both with a simple test project and with your servlet.

    MyEclipse Support

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