Sorry that you are seeing this issue.
1. Are you seeing this problem only recently? Can you please clarify if the engine status is connected(blue tick) when you are seeing this problem with editing?
2. You can manually restart the CodeMix engine by invoking the Command palette (CTRL + SHIFT + P) and then typing “Force Restart CodeMix Engine”. Does CodeMix work correctly after doing this without requiring a restart of the IDE?
3. Are you on the latest CodeMix version i.e CI 2019.11.13? If no, then please go to Help > Check for Updates and check if the issue persists with the latest version as well.
4. Please add these debug flags to the config.ini file which is located in the Eclipse installation directory/configuration folder and save the file.
This will generate engine communication logs in the /.codemix folder. The next time when you see the problem, please reach us via Live Chat (Help > CodeMix > Live Chat) to help us take a look at the generated files.
In case you cannot initiate a live chat session, then please share with us the generated files which start with codemix_timestamp from the .codemix folder along with the workspace log file which is located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log to help us investigate further (change the extension to .txt and attach it here).
Apologies for inconvenience caused.
Genuitec Support