
Clicking on app server gives An error has occurred :-(

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  • #270417 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The problem is that you need to run WebSphere with the version of Java it ships with itself. It’s normally in the install dir in a subdirectory called “java” or something similar.

    #270423 Reply

    thanks for the reply
    i could not get u exactly what u have said so could u please eloborate it

    #270426 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Hi Pradeep,
    What Riyad meant was that you will have to use the version of Java that come with websphere instead of the JDK that you might have setup separately. You will have to make a change in the connector under Windows > Prefs > MyEclipse > App Server > Websphere. You will have to navigate to the JDK selection page under WebSphere 6 > JDK ( or which ever version you are using) and the JRE Home Directory will point to the Websphere JDK Location. The websphere JDK is normally in the install dir of WebSphere in a subdirectory called “Java” or something similar. You can go through this tutorial on Using Websphere with MyEclipse in case you have any further questions.

    #271386 Reply


    Iam using

    Hibernate 3.2,
    hsql DB,
    Tomcat 5.0

    While trying to run the Tomcat plugin
    Iam getting the error

    An Error has Occured,See Error log for more Details..

    In error log the following message is shows

    Problems occured when invocking code for Plugin:”org.eclipse.Jface”

    I cant able to run the Tomcat plugin…

    Any comments given on this will be very usefull…



    #271402 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please post your system information from MyEclipse > INstallation Summary > Installation Details.

    Also please describe all the settings you have for Tomcat.

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