
[Closed] struts-config.xml – Unable to create this part

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  • #248270 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First go backup all your projects then let’s try a big bomb approach:

    1) Uninstall MyEclipse, erase all MyEclipse dirs.
    2) Erase all dirs of Eclipse
    3) Download JDK 1.5.0_06 from Sun’s site and uninstall all existing JDKs and JREs from your machine, go make sure the directories are empty to (Restart if necessary).
    4) Now also check your environment variables to make sure none are pointing to some random JDK in your system and if you find some remove them
    5) Now install the new JDK into a new dir (make sure the dir doesn’t exist ahead of time), be sure to install the JRE to and restart.
    6) Now install Eclipse and MyEclipse to new dirs and try a new workspace, does that help?

    #248314 Reply


    Hello again,

    I am happy to report that the big bomb has hit its target. I proceded as described and everything looks fine now. No more XML errors and the graphical editor is up and running.
    Thanks a lot for your patience and your excellent support.



    #248318 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    That’s excellent news, thanks for following up.

    #248849 Reply



    I’m new to Eclipse/MyEclipse. Running Eclipse 3.0.1, MyEclipse 3.8.4+QF2 on XP.

    Eclipse was complaining of low memory and finally just croaked before I could take evasive action. This left a jboss server up, which needed to be killed manually.

    When I finally got things Eclipse to restart, I was unable to edit jsp files using the MyEclipse editor. Got the same error as described on this thread except there was no filename:

    “Unable to create this part:”


    “An error has occured when creating this editor”

    I can edit the file using the Text editor, but I just paid $30 for the MyEclipse license. Is there a way to get things working properly without the “Big Bomb” approach last mentioned on this thread?

    Thanks in advance,

    #248850 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First try restarting with the -clean command line argument as outlined here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10280.html

    then adjust your startup poarameters as outlined here:

    #248853 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    Thanks for the quick reply. Just spent some time trying this. <lame flailing details omitted>

    Bottom line is: -clean runs ok, but has no effect on the problem during or after when running without the -clean. Installed the command line args you recommended (thanks!).

    But I’m still unable to use the MyEclipse jsp editor.

    I did forget to mention that before posting originally, I tried re-installing MyEclipse by uninstalling, and then re-running the downloaded install binary. Don’t know if that makes a difference.


    #248862 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It’s possible that the uninstaller didn’t cleanly remove MyEclipse so let’s try and recover things with the following step and get you back to a clean state.

    1) Shut down MyEclipse
    2) Uninstall MyEclipse
    3) Go to the MyEclipse directory and physically remove it now
    4) Start Eclipse using the -clean command line argument, confirm that it starts up OK and that MyEclipse isn’t installed (go to Help > Software Updates > Manage configuration and make sure it isn’t listed)
    5) Now shut down Eclipse (you can remove -clean now)
    6) Rerun the MyEclipse install
    7) Fire Eclipse back up, make sure MyEclipse is installed now.

    Can you use the deisnger?

    If not, have you installed IE 7 Beta by chance? Office or VIsual Studio in the time that it stopped working? All of these will modify the core IE libraries and cause our designer to break, we are in the midst of fixing this issue.

    #248978 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    Sorry – actually went home and didn’t work this weekend…

    So I just tried your suggestions with no change in behavior. Fyi, the MyEclipse directory was removed completely as part of the uninstall, so step #3 was a noop.

    I’m on IE6x and haven’t installed IE7b or Visiual Studio ever.

    Thanks for your time and efforts on this, but still no luck.


    #248993 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Any reason why you aren’t using MyEclipse 4.1.1 with Eclipse 3.1.x? While I can tell for sure that there wasn’t a problem with 3.8.4 + QF2, there have been 4 releases since then and a huge number of fixes and enhancements are available in 4.1.1 (4.1.1 will only work on Eclipse 3.1.x).

    For your current situation, can you try using a new workspace? You can start Eclipse like so: eclipse.exe -data c:\tempworkspace
    This will use a new workspace rooted at tempworkspace. Try creating a dummy jsp file and see if you can edit that.

    Also, do you have any other plugins installed in the base eclipse install that you are using? MyEclipse 3.8.4 would not work too well if the WTP plugin set is installed and there might also be conflicts with some other plugins.
    A detailed set of questions is here: Posting Guidelines


    #249066 Reply



    Sorry for delay replying back. I’m on a deadline and just now made time to try your suggestions.

    I tried uninstalling myeclipse again and this time checked the registry. There’s some stuff in there, but mostly to do with recent apps, the uninstaller and such. So it *seems* clean, but let me know if I should look for anything in particular.

    Brian, the flip answer is that I’m not on Eclipse 3.1.x. I’m on 3.0.1. I plan to upgrade, but see note about deadline above… 🙂

    So, point taken. If no other suggestions follow, I may just wait on all this and revisit after upgrading Eclipse.

    I also tried your idea of a test jsp in a new workspace. After re-installing and re-running -clean, I did this. Same error about unable to create part.

    Interestingly, when using my normal workspace I don’t get prompted for the license information. So, something’s sticky somewhere. But as I say, the error still ocurred even in a fresh workspace, and I was prompted for my license info there.

    Looking at my plugins configuration, I do see IBM WTP UI Plug-in 13.8.1. This was already there before when I had MyEclipse working fine. Fine, that is, unless the conflict you mention caused the Eclipse face-plant that started this whole problem in the first place. I’d thought it was just memory, but…


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