We appreciate any user feedback because we are always looking for ways to improve our product. You have indeed identified a few areas that are in need of improvement.
Your first problem was an Eclipse configuration problem that is only resolved by either restarting Eclipse with a “-clean” argument or starting a new workspace. This isn’t a MyEclipse specific issue since we are relying on the underlying Eclipse installation. However, it is the MyEclipse upgrade process that exposes this problem so we are considering ways in the future releases to make the need for a clean configuration more apparant to the user. Because this problem is one of the biggest reasons for the support cases.
Your second problem was the Jboss Version problem. I am responsible for the low-level XDoclet problems and I just didn’t do a very good job diagnosing your XDoclet at first. You posted your .xdoclet config at the very beginnging and if I would have just paid closer attention I would have caught the 4.0.2 version problem sooner.
Please remember that you caught us at a very busy time with the 4.1 release as most of the support team was pulling all-nighters to get the release finished. We apologize for any inconveinence and we hope we can regain your confidence in MyEclipse in the future.