
configuration for remote deployment

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  • #223154 Reply


    I have an application that I have been developing using vi and ant and am trying to move into this century. I have a development machine with its own play database. I also have a machine on the internet with a real database. The username and password combinations for the database are different depending on which machine we are. There are other differences as well. My ant task along with tomcat manager handled this nicely. I had some “template” files (context.xml, log4j.properties, and web.xml) that would be copied to there expected locations and edited on-the-fly by ant tasks depending on if I wanted to deploy locally (for testing) or remotely (for release).

    Is there a way to accomplish this in MyEclipse?


    #223156 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    From the description you gave using Ant is the ideal solution, its an extremely custom solution to your setup so MyEclipse would not be able to support something like that at this time.

    #223160 Reply


    If I use ant to modify say, the web.xml file, does MyEclipse detect the change and redeploy to tomcat (locally, that is)?

    #223161 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You would have to refresh the project, or I think there is a Ant setting in Eclipse to “refresh after runnig Ant” automatically, but yes, after MyEclipse noticed the new file it would hotsync it to the local install (as long as you were using an exploded deployment).

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