
CSS Error message in mobile Simulator

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  • #345275 Reply

    Hi Support,

    I have been getting the message shown in the pic below.
    When I check into it, I notice a line in the THEME.CSS file that looks like a bad comment line at Line# 510.
    Can I fix this file and continue testing, or is it something that will be overwritten ?

    See pictures below.

    turgut See attachment CSSerror.PNG

    See attachment CSSerror2.PNG

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    #345284 Reply

    Hi turgut,

    I have never seen this before, does this issue appears with all apps that you run in the simulator?

    #345287 Reply

    Hi Octavio,

    So far I tried it with 5 different MOBI programs and they all do it.

    It looks like the comment line is missing the beginning /* .

    I have included a small one below, in case you want to use it to test.


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    #345292 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    Thanks for sharing the sample file with us. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to replicate the issue, which makes me think that it is a problem related with the web simulator, I am pinging the dev team and will share more info as soon as I get their input.

    #345295 Reply


    Do you think I have a corrupted THEME.CSS file?

    Is it possible for you to send me a copy of the lines around 510 where the error seems to be? I can try replacing them.


    #345313 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    We were able to replicate the issue. Thanks for pointing us with it. We will fix it in next version.

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