
Custom Tag Library project

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  • #211556 Reply

    Brice Ruth

    I think it would be a relatively simple thing to add a project type to MyEclipse: Tag Library. This project could then be included in a Web Module, as a dependent project, and then when MyEclipse deploys, it could ensure that the .tld ended up in /WEB-INF and the Tag Library project source could be compiled to a .JAR and placed appropriately in /WEB-INF/lib.

    Just another convenience that would save a few steps, and make sure that when projects are deployed, nothing gets left out :).

    And it would be very nice, if a Web Module has a dependency on a Tag Library project, that if tags are modified in the TLD, those changes are automatically reflected in the JSPs that you’re editing in the Web Module.

    #211567 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Interesting request, I’ll pass it along.


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