OK, I found the problem, but need to know how to handle this in the future. I have several branches and versions. After I upgraded, I versioned my code. I am now showing that I am working on the new version. But I can’t commit changes to a version. Error is “cvs server: sticky tag `v3_6_0_2′ for file `WEB-INF/.struts-config.mex’ is not a branch”.
But if I try to switch to the branch, it warns that it will delete my changes. For now I am going to copy the changes to another directory and switch, then copy back. But how do I handle this in the future?? I create versions so I can go back to a version and make bug fixes. but I need to be able to save these fixes. Do I have to create a new branch every time? This is not the way I thought this would work.
Any ideas on how I am supposed to be using CVS with the IDE would be greatly appreciated.