
Database explorer bug when generating Hibernate configs?

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  • #251418 Reply

    On my development box I am running Postgres 8.1.2 and on my target server my provider is running Postgres 7.4.6. When I run the database explorer against my development instance to generate Hibernate configurations (and Pojos) this works just fine as I would expect.

    Just (sorta) by accident I ran the same against my “production” environment and I got an internal error while it was generating the artifacts. The “details” button was greyed out so I went to the .log file in my workspace and I spotted the following:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 2 2006-04-30 21:40:17.262
    !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: “Generating Artifacts”.
    !STACK 0
    org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCBinderException: Foreign key name ($1) mapped to different tables! previous: org.hibernate.mapping.Table(public.account) current:org.hibernate.mapping.Table(public.steward)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.processForeignKeys(JDBCReader.java:160)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.JDBCReader.readDatabaseSchema(JDBCReader.java:85)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.MEJDBCMetaDataConfiguration$1.readDatabaseSchema(MEJDBCMetaDataConfiguration.java:102)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.JDBCBinder.readFromDatabase(JDBCBinder.java:87)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.MEJDBCMetaDataConfiguration.readFromJDBC(MEJDBCMetaDataConfiguration.java:129)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob$5.execute(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:405)
    at org.hibernate.console.execution.DefaultExecutionContext.execute(DefaultExecutionContext.java:35)
    at org.hibernate.console.ConsoleConfiguration.execute(ConsoleConfiguration.java:68)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.buildConfiguration(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:400)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.wizards.GenerateArtifactsJob.run(GenerateArtifactsJob.java:266)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:76)

    The schemas between development and production are identical since I sync them using the same sql scripts.

    Is this a bug? Feature? Elvis?

    #251421 Reply

    Haris Peco


    I suppose that Postgresql have some changes between releases related with foreign key names, but I can’r conclude without schema (your sql script or at least all relations with steward and account).

    Can you try without table steward or table account ?


    #251684 Reply

    I get pretty much the same results without them. Here are the scripts that generate those tables::

    drop sequence account_id_seq cascade;
    create sequence account_id_seq;
    drop table account cascade;
    create table account (
            account_id              integer not null default nextval('account_id_seq') primary key,
            person_id               integer not null
                                                    references person(person_id)
                                                    on delete cascade
                                                    on update cascade,
            login                   varchar(15) not null,
            passwd                  varchar(50) not null,
            active                  boolean not null default 'true',
            locked                  boolean not null default 'false'
    drop sequence account_audit_log_entry_id_seq cascade;
    create sequence account_audit_log_entry_id_seq;
    drop table account_audit_log cascade;
    create table account_audit_log (
            account_audit_log_entry_id      integer not null
                                            primary key,
            account_id              integer not null
                                            references account(account_id)
                                            on delete cascade
                                            on update cascade,
            entry                   varchar(128) not null,
            event_time              timestamp not null default now()
    create or replace function update_account_audit() returns trigger as '
            if tg_op = ''INSERT''
                    insert into account_audit_log(account_id,entry)
                    values (NEW.account_id,''created account'');
                    return null;
            end if;
            if tg_op = ''UPDATE''
                    insert into account_audit_log(account_id,entry)
                    values (NEW.account_id,''updated acount'');
                    return null;
            end if;
    ' language 'plpgsql';
    create trigger account_audit_trigger after insert or update or delete
    on account for each row execute procedure update_account_audit();
    create or replace function find_accountid_by_login(text) returns integer as '
            lid alias for $1;
            aid integer;
            select into aid account_id from account where login = lid;
            if not found
                    return -1;
            end if;
            return aid;
    ' language 'plpgsql';
    drop sequence steward_id_seq cascade;
    drop sequence job_id_seq cascade;
    drop sequence job_mapping_id_seq cascade;
    create sequence steward_id_seq;
    create sequence job_id_seq;
    create sequence job_mapping_id_seq;
    drop table job cascade;
    create table job (
            job_id                  integer not null default nextval('job_id_seq') primary key,
            name                    varchar(120) not null
    insert into job (name) values ('Gate Steward');
    insert into job (name) values ('Scribe');
    insert into job (name) values ('Timer');
    insert into job (name) values ('Assistant Scribe');
    insert into job (name) values ('Score Runner');
    insert into job (name) values ('Ring Crew');
    insert into job (name) values ('Ring Captain');
    insert into job (name) values ('Course Builder');
    insert into job (name) values ('Chief Course Builder');
    insert into job (name) values ('Volunteer Coordinator');
    create or replace function find_jobid_byname(TEXT) returns int as '
            jname alias for $1;
            retval integer;
            select into retval job_id from job where name = jname;
            if not found
                    return -1;
            end if;
            return retval;
    ' language 'plpgsql';
    drop table steward cascade;
    create table steward (
            steward_id              integer not null default nextval('steward_id_seq') primary key,
            person_id               integer not null
                                                    references person(person_id)
                                                    on delete cascade
                                                    on update cascade
    create or replace function add_steward_by_name (text,text) returns int as '
            gn alias for $1;
            sn alias for $2;
            retval integer;
            pid    integer;
            pid = find_personid_by_name(gn,sn);
            if  pid = -1
                    return -1;
            end if;
            select into retval steward_id from steward where person_id = pid;
            if not found
                    insert into steward(person_id) values (pid);
                    select into retval steward_id from steward where person_id = pid;
            end if;
            return retval;
    ' language 'plpgsql';
    drop table job_map cascade;
    create table job_map (
            job_mapping_id  integer not null default nextval('job_mapping_id_seq') primary key,
            job_id                  integer not null
                                                    references job(job_id)
                                                    on delete cascade
                                                    on update cascade,
            perdiem_rate    money not null default '$100.00',
            preference_level integer not null default 0,
            barter_entry     boolean not null default false,
            comments         text
    create or replace function map_job_by_name(text,text,text,money,int,boolean,text) returns int as '
            gn alias for $1;
            sn alias for $2;
            jn alias for $3;
            pdr alias for $4;
            pl  alias for $5;
            barter alias for $6;
            comment alias for $7;
    ' language 'plpgsql';

    The “test” and “prodcution” databases are synced by invoking psql -f {filename} trialdb agilitys and passing in the password as asked for. (Actually… I cheat and have a .pgpass file so the shell script that invokes the sql files can run unaided). I’m letting the respective databases name the foriegn keys on their own.

    #251688 Reply

    Haris Peco

    If you see same fk names then jdbc driver make troubles; if you use same jdbc driver then server protocol return different data to driver (postgreslq changed protcol from version 7 to 8)

    if you use different jdbc driver then you try with same (newer) for both databases – new driver support back to <= 7.2

    MyEclipse use jdbc info for mapping only, and this error tell that driver return sampe foreign key name for 2 relations.I remember old jdbc bugs for imported (foreign key) and exported keys, but i don’t sure for what version.

    However, you can use mapping files which you created on ver. 8 for version 7.You haven’t to create mapping files for every database separate.

    Best regards

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