
Database Explorer enhancements

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  • #209850 Reply


    The new ME db explorer looks a lot like the Quantim DB explorer, and I could see myself switch after a few fixes are done.

    1. Refeshing an entry in the db browser should not lose the expanded/collasped state on entires unless they have been deleted. New entries could be initially closed and tables that have changed size, etc could be decorated for easier focusing.

    2. Quantum DB allows one to select whether I want to see table size information along with the table name entry in the db explorer. ME should also provide such ui detail info.

    3. Switching from one table to another should retain the currently selected tab. For eample if I currently have table Foo selected in the db browser and the Preview tab in the Table Info view, then selecting the Bar table should retain the Preview tab as the current tab in the Table Info view and just update the contents.

    4. Something else I haven’t thought of yet.

    #209851 Reply


    I neglected to mention that ME does an overall great job, and I have switched my entire team to it.

    #209852 Reply


    5. Double clicking on a connection profile in the db explorer should not open a connection profile dialog. That is what the context menu > Change the selected profile item is for. Instead the default action of opening the connection should be performed.

    #209854 Reply


    6. It would be nice to be able to prune the list of schemas shown in the db explorer tree.

    #209855 Reply

    Dave Trussell

    When I open a connection to a database, the window pops up informing me that it is ‘Reading Database Metadata’. DB Explorer then proceeds to read every schema available, whether I can access those schemas or not (e.g. the SYS schema in Oracle). Quantum DB gives me just my own schema, which is what I want 99.9% of the time.

    When I click on the plus sign next to ‘TABLE’ under my own schema, it takes a full 3 minutes to return a list of tables (196 tables). I assume it’s pre-fetching information about all tables. Again, this is what I rarely want. Quantum DB gives me an almost instantaneous list of tables and it takes less than 5 seconds to give me information about a particular table.

    I’m connecting to an Oracle 9i database using the thin driver. I was very excited about having the DB Explorer as part of MyEclipse. However, a 3-minute wait for table information is a bit much.

    On the plus side, MyEclipse rocks!! And your support is second to none.


    #209859 Reply


    7. The db explorer should not exapnd all entries when a user holds down the ctrl key and mouse clicks on the table name in the sql editor. Instead it should only exapnd the correct the correct entry leaving the others in their current state (i.e. expanded/collapsed) and should scoll the table into view if it it is not visible.

    #210202 Reply


    Just wondering, is the database explorer an entirely new development, or is it based on an existing plug-in?

    #210223 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I filed every single one of your enhancements.

    I filed your enhancement as well, your argument definately makes sense.

    Its based on the Quantum DB explorer plugin.

    #210240 Reply


    I don’t know for Quantum, but DB Exlorer is like SQLExplorer (ex-JFaceDbc)


    #210254 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm maybe I was wrong, I just looked at binyan’s first post.

    #210261 Reply


    Plugin name is com.genuitec.eclipse.sqlexplorer and hibernate is added like
    squirrel client plugin, no standard eclipse plugin


    #210309 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Good detective work. For the curious, we actually started with the SQLExplorer code base and then made a legion of changes and enhancements, with more to come. I’ll also mention that we did this after gaining the support of the SQLExplorer team and making a financial contribution to facilitate the continuation of their work in open source.

    #210310 Reply


    the continuation of their work in open source. ???

    SQLExplorer is pure JFaceDBC 2.2.1 , updated for work in eclipse 3.0 only


    #210319 Reply


    @support-scott wrote:

    For the curious, we actually started with the SQLExplorer code base and then made a legion of changes and enhancements, with more to come.

    SQLExplorer (JfaceDbc) is/was a good and pretty complete plugin. What specifically did you add? Are these additions going back to the open source code base?


    #210459 Reply

    Ben Eng

    I have a schema with more than 1300 tables, and it takes an excrutiating amount of time to open. It appears as though the definition of every table us read in at once, which is taking several minutes. Is it possible to defer the reading of the table definition until it is actually expanded or used by the user?

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