
Database explorer improvement

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  • #233394 Reply


    I think it’d be nice if the DB Browser showed which columns were indexed. Similar to the way the primary keys show up. That way I don’t have to click on each table then go to the indexes tab every time I wanted to see what was indexed and what is not.

    Also I believe the unique column in the table info view is backwards. It says Yes for columns that arn’t unique and No for columns that are.

    Using Linux 4.0 version, with MySQL 4.1.

    #233427 Reply


    I think it’d be nice if the DB Browser showed which columns were indexed.

    We agree and will hope to be investing in many new DB enhancements in the near future.

    Also I believe the unique column in the table info view is backwards.


    We appreciate your feedback.


    #235282 Reply

    James Wright

    I would like to see the number of rows that were updated when running update statements in the sql editor it is a very common bit of functionality and a very useful one especially when running updates that could potentially affect a large number of rows.

    #235301 Reply


    I would like to see stored procedures and functions viewable in the DB Browser for MS SQL Server connections

    #235356 Reply


    I would like to see the number of rows that were updated when running update statements in the sql editor it is a very common bit of functionality and a very useful one especially when running updates that could potentially affect a large number of rows.

    Done! This affected row count will now appear on the status line of the editor for all non-query statements excuted in the MyEclipse 4.0GA release. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    #238685 Reply

    Rob Rutherford

    @aritting wrote:

    I would like to see stored procedures and functions viewable in the DB Browser for MS SQL Server connections

    Not Just SQL Server, but Informix as well. 😀

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