
Deploying cooperating Web projects into one single web app

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  • #274957 Reply

    Joel Alvim


    I will try to exemplify my problem as clearly as possible.

    I have a sort of framework for Web projects which contains java classes and templating jsp pages. In order for all this to be properly compiled in MyEclipse, this framework is in itself a Web project. Some of these template jsp pages use taglibs that must be defined in the web.xml.

    Then I have the real application, which will use this framework. In other words, it needs to gain access to that application’s java classes (this is easy standard Eclipse functionality.. just add it on required projects on build path). However, this application must be deployed and “merged” with the other one (framework project).

    I can’t do it with a single click of MyEclipse even if I configure the Project References for both projects (in Project Properties).
    The only way I came up to work around this was to create a special ANT task that is a builder for the framework project. (this task just copies to the merge repository).
    However this is not a very clean functionality and I really don’t see if there would be a better way to do this.

    The way my application is structured was pre-existing in my company, so I can’t change even though I don’t really agree with it.

    But in short is there a way to do this with just MyEclipse ? I think IDEA supports it ouf ot the box.

    #275010 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I appreciate the clear description of the problem, unfortunately MyEclipse doesn’t support deploying (merging) web projects so using the Ant task is the right way to go in this case. Sorry.

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