
Deployment of Jars exported from referenced projects…

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  • #279188 Reply

    Victor Ott

    This message has not been recovered.

    #279291 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This message has not been recovered.

    #279393 Reply

    Victor Ott


    I’d like to direct your attention to https://bugs.eclipse.org/70417 and the follow-up https://bugs.eclipse.org/133191. Those might help solve this issue when using following MyEclipse deployment settings:

    (Prompt) "Include the following in Web Project deployments:"
    (Y) "JARs from the Build Path"
    (N) "JARs from User Libraries"
    (Y) "JARs exported from required Java Projects"
    (Y) "JARs exported from User Libraries from required Java Projects"

    Hmmm, who knows, maybe you do have a spare resource which could jump in for bug 133191… 😉

    #279403 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    (N) “JARs from User Libraries”

    Why did you mark this no? Which improvement would you suggest?

    #279411 Reply

    Victor Ott

    The essential requirements:

      1. Have a set of libraries which has to be in the build path but not deployed;
      2. the paths of those libraries have to be relative to the workspace or to workspace projects.

    Since these essential requirements can’t be realized with the current MyEclipse deployment mechanism (required projects & exported JARs), the solution could be to have Eclipse “User Libraries” with paths to JARs relative to the workspace and the “(N)” checkbox for MyEclipse option “Deploy JARs from User Libraries”.

    Summary: Eclipse User Libraries would be deployed only if exported by a required project on build path.

    How would this work in the case that e.g. in project P two User Libraries (e.g. LIB_B + LIB_BD) have to be used, both on build path, but only one with deployment (LIB_BD)? Very fine:

      * use the deployment settings from my last post;
      * add User Library LIB_B (build only) to the project;
      * create a new Java project e.g. ‘PU’, add LIB_BD to it, and set the chechmark to export it to ‘dependent’ projects;
      * add project PU as a required project to the build path of project P.

    Voila, done.

    But all this fiddling stands and falls with the availability of Eclipse User Libraries which have JARs with paths relative to workspace/projects-in-workspace. I have proven in https://bugs.eclipse.org/70417 that Eclipse supports already that kind of User Libraries (I hacked a exported User Libraries definition file and reimported it). Now everything left to do is to have someone extend the Eclipse UI (like already available for selection of JavaDoc/Sources for JARs) to allow “the masses” to add relave-path-JARs to User Libraries: https://bugs.eclipse.org/133191.

    #279415 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Victor thank you for the detailed description. For some reason I confused this thread with the other one where I gave you the new wording for the deployment dialog, and I thought you had put “No” next to one of them saying you didn’t like the language I suggested.

    My mistake.

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