
Deployment Packaging

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  • #251966 Reply

    Robert Locklear

    Is there a way I can setup an eclipse install with MyEclipse and all the other plugins my development team uses then remove the MyEclipse license and deploy this install on multiple machines. On launch it would ask the user for their specific license information?

    I have a few developers now and some are only web designers that have no idea when messing with installers and plugins. I would like to setup a version of eclipse with everything it needs and pass that around.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    #252004 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sure. Download and use the manual install. Your license information is stored in a user file in your user dir and in your workspace, so as long as what you deployed is just a zipped up dir of the Eclipse and MyEclipse dirs that they can unzip and create a new workspace from, you should be all set.

    This is what a lot of our enterprise customers do to rollout new versions.

    #252879 Reply

    sir, i am using oracle8i and j2sdk 1.4.X version. i think i successfully installed eclipse 3.1 and my eclipse4.1 on my mechine. i created a simple java new project. i created a database connection also, while generating the mapping files i am getting an error like ” an internal error occured during generating Artifacts” what is the solution for this problem.

    #252880 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please click on the “MyEclipse” menu item, then “About MyEclipse” then “Configuration Summary” and paste the result here for me to look at.

    Additionally, open your log file (<workspace dir>\.metadata\.log) and look near the bottom for an exception that would shed some light on this issue.

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