
differences between MyEclipse-deploym. and normal deployment

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  • #249384 Reply

    Ok – i got the solution.

    The were 2 problems:
    If you receive this cryptic make_statement error, there could some problems with:

    1. your oci*.dll files
    2. your ojdbc14.jar

    The DLL files should be the same located in the oracle_home/bin directory of the machine, where you would like to make the deployment. You must not use the dll’s of the client you are developing on the server where you would like to deploy your app. Especially, when the server has an other patchlevel!

    The ojdbc14.jar should fit to your dll’s too. there are many different ojdbc14.jar’s out there: (for oralce 9i, 9ir2, 10g, ….)
    However, when exporting my application to a war-file, using my ojdbc14.jar-file, this file is not the origin after deploying it on the server! The timestamp changes to the current time, and the size increases a bit! So I had to overwrite the ojdbc14.jar on the Server/webapp/web-inf/lib-folder with the origin I used on my client!!?
    But it is working 😉


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