You gave the answer for *WebSphere* not *WebLogic*.
Ishmael, for Weblogic, simply deploy your application in “exploded” format. Once you’ve done this, all your changes will by sync’ed to your running application. This include JSP changes as well as Java changes that fall within the limits of the JPDA spec (see examples here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-439-highlight-debugger+shape+class.html). For changes to struts config files and the like, you’ll still need to force WebLogic to reload your application. This can be done by restarting it, which is very time consuming, or simply adding a file called REDEPLOY under your WEB-INF directory and “touching” it inside MyEclipse. WebLogic should detect the change and completely reload your application.
Also, don’t forget to enable JSP debuggging as shown here: