
Duplicate local variable session

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  • #225262 Reply


    Hi all,

    I wrote about this bug a half year ago. And you said it will be fixed. I worked that time with old myeclipse version. Today I downloaded myeclipse 3.8.4, but the bug is still there.

    Bug description: JSPs, which have session=”false” in header and define themselfes the variable session, will be shown with a red rectangle on the right narrow panel. The variable session will be underlined.



    #225273 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is still on our TODO list, however, in comparison to the other things/bugs on our TODO list the priority is very low (as you are the only user that ever reported this). I will add a note to the issue so we don’t loose track of it, I appologize that it has taken so long ot be corrected but we have to play a strict game of resource balancing over here, and this just wasn’t high enough at the time to allocate a developer to fix.

    I will see if I can get someone ot take a look at this after 3.9 release.

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