
Eclipse SDK 3.1RC1 (latest milestone/stable)

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  • #230358 Reply


    When myeclpse support it?

    #230381 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No ETA, we just released our M7 release, we will do some compatibility testing and see if we can make an RC1 compatible release soon.

    #230556 Reply

    I am using it in non-production environment and don’t care if it crashes. Is there an easy way I can install ME on 3.1 RC1.

    When I try this ME (030804_3.1_M7) I get version mismatch error. Can I bypass it anyway?

    #230563 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can use the Manual Install from the download page to bypass any version checks.

    #230567 Reply


    Yes, I am using the Manual Install on Eclipse 3.1RC1, and it work well!

    And now, the Tapestry and Spring develop is so popular, Can MyEclipse support them in the future??

    #230574 Reply


    And now, the Tapestry and Spring develop is so popular, Can MyEclipse support them in the future??

    MyEclipse 4.0 Milestone-1 was release 2 weeks ago with Tapestry/Spindle support (only for Eclipse 3.0.2 at the moment). Spring support is coming in ME 4.0 Milestone-2 very soon.

    #230641 Reply

    Paul Stanton

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    …we will do some compatibility testing and see if we can make an RC1 compatible release soon.

    any development?

    #230724 Reply


    any updates to RC1 support?

    #230725 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Update: We are still up to our necks in code, we know you all want RC1 compatible releases, we are knocking out a handful of bugs that sprung up with our M7 build and M2 will be out in 2 or 3 weeks. There are some features we need to tape out as well in M2 because after that we go to the RCs which are going to be nothing but bug fixes, so this is our last chance to get things into the 4.0 build and make sure it’s feature complete.

    Hang in there.

    #231408 Reply

    Paul Stanton

    proverbial .. whip .. crack

    #231409 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    4.0M2 for 3.0.2 is poised to go out the door and we’ve already begun the port to 3.1. It’s going well and with luck should follow this release by about a week. Practically, this likely means it will hit a day or two after 3.1 final to allow us to do a final “smoke test” on the absolute final Eclipse build.

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