
ejb clients; ahoy! [Closed]

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  • #222181 Reply


    I finish all the quickstarts, eagerly waiting for a tutorial on how to build a plain client that invokes an ejb, and nada. Not a word. Aye, folks, where are you hiding the wizard and the docs that will help write a plain ejb client?


    #222192 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Truthfully, since EJB back ends used in web apps 99% of the time, we never added direct support or documentation on how to do plain java EJB clients. It just seems to be a very niche feature that hasn’t proven overly interesting, based on the feedback from our users. However, you should be able to set one up as a plain Java project that is part of the EAR you deploy. Please see the advanced section of the Enterprise Application Quickstart for a bit on Java project dependencies and how they’re packaged.

    #222195 Reply


    I am not going to argue (surprise!) too much on this because I see youre point, but it seems that major appserver vendors spend a huge amount of resources on the client. Jboss has a ton of client jars for different scenarios, Sun’s Deploytool has wizards plus some ant scripts, Jonas has client tools, all approaching this differently, and its not feasible for a devloper to learn all that just for a Swing client to access ejb’s.
    That is why, something like MyEclipse, a J2EE tool, is expected to automate this (at least for a couple of major servers), since clients are included in the J2EE spec!
    Anyhow, I said I won’t argue….:)

    #222205 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I see you’ve started an enhancement request on this so I’ll close this thread.

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