
EL boolean flagged as warning in xhtml

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  • #275364 Reply



    I’m using Eclipse 3.3/MyEclipse6.0GA/Java6U2/Debian Linux Etch.

    When I use a boolean EL expression in a facelets file, it’s always flagged as a warning (saying: Valid values are “true” or “false”).


    Suppose I have a bean with a method

    public boolean isUserAdmin(){
        return FacesUtils.isAdmin();

    If I then use the following in an otherwise valid facelets (.xhtml) file, the mentioned warning is given.

    <h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin}">

    I tried many alternatives, among others:

    <h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin == true}">
    <h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin == 'true'}">
    <h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{true}">

    Of course, in between I cleared all validation markers, revalidated the file, restarted Eclipse, cleaned the project, etc. It keeps giving this warning.

    When I use the exact same expression in a .jsp file, no warning is given. Both the xhtml and jsp pages run fine using Tomcat 6.0.14.

    #275424 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Looks like a bug… I wonder if the validator is trying to call “getUserAdmin”… out of curiosity, if you refactor the name of the method to that, does the file valid?

    (I’m not asking you to keep it that way, just narrowing down what the problem would be… e.g. the validator doesn’ tknow to attempt “is” or “can” prefixes for boolean returns)

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