I’m using Eclipse 3.3/MyEclipse6.0GA/Java6U2/Debian Linux Etch.
When I use a boolean EL expression in a facelets file, it’s always flagged as a warning (saying: Valid values are “true” or “false”).
Suppose I have a bean with a method
public boolean isUserAdmin(){
return FacesUtils.isAdmin();
If I then use the following in an otherwise valid facelets (.xhtml) file, the mentioned warning is given.
<h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin}">
I tried many alternatives, among others:
<h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin == true}">
<h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{userBean.userAdmin == 'true'}">
<h:form id="adminReg" rendered="#{true}">
Of course, in between I cleared all validation markers, revalidated the file, restarted Eclipse, cleaned the project, etc. It keeps giving this warning.
When I use the exact same expression in a .jsp file, no warning is given. Both the xhtml and jsp pages run fine using Tomcat 6.0.14.