
Enhancements Request

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  • #228298 Reply

    Nevin Ng

    1) I use the “Package Explorer” alot and found it pretty annoying that everytime I restart MyEclipse all the nodes there collapsed. I have to click them throught one by one again to open the package that I’m working on. Can you “remember” the package open status between the IDE restart?

    2) I know it maybe my issue but I have to “click Run/Stop Servers –> select Tomcat –> select Start –> click” in order to start the application server, or to stop it. It’s quite a few steps to just start/stop the server.

    In case if the user has only one server, can I just one-click “Run/Stop Servers” to start it or to stop it? Or you allow to have multiple buttons in the menu bar for multiple servers?

    #228299 Reply


    +1 for point number 1.

    #228318 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) This is Eclipse behavior, not MyEclipse. I can’t believe this isn’t the first request for this, it is likely already filed: http://bugs.eclipse.org
    2) This will be totally replaced in our 5.0 release.

    #228348 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @nevin wrote:

    1) I use the “Package Explorer” alot and found it pretty annoying that everytime I restart MyEclipse all the nodes there collapsed. I have to click them throught one by one again to open the package that I’m working on. Can you “remember” the package open status between the IDE restart?

    handy dandy package explorer hint #21
    If the file you want is open in an editor, open the package explorer and click the yellow sync icon (two little crisscrossing arrows) and it will open up the package explorer to the file you’re on..


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