First off, I should note that this is my first real exposure to web services. I’m trying to generate a web service client from a WSDL and getting an error when MyEclipse tries to validate it. The message is as follows:
WS-I: A problem occurred while running the WS-I WSDL conformance check: org.eclipse.wst.wsi.internal.analyzer.WSIAnalyzerException: The WS-I Test Assertion Document (TAD)document was either not found or could not be processed. The WSDLAnalyzer was unable to validate the given WSDL File.
I get this error with both my WSDL and the WSDL from the MyEclipse Web Service Client Demo.
I tried just opening the files in the editor and validating without generating the client and that message is the only problem that shows up for both.
Anyone have any insight?