
Error opening perspective

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  • #256179 Reply

    John Hebley

    I just updated to include Matisse so I could demonstrate to co-workers and am getting an error, “Problems generating perspective com.genuitec.dehory.dehoryperspective” when I try and select the Matisse perspective.

    There is also a section of white text on a green background in the low right hand corner of the screen that says “Read Me trim (Bottom)!!!


    #256185 Reply

    Haris Peco


    Please, call Windows – reset perspective and you will got default perspective – after this you can change perspective
    It’s happen in eclipse for some perspective when you upgrade or delete plugins


    #256311 Reply


    I think, You have installed the Eclipse SDK examples. ❗
    One of the examples is the “Readme Tool”, which puts that “Read Me Trim (bottom)” in some places e.g. right bottom.

    Try removing the examples and restart your eclipse, you won’t see that again. 💡


    #263958 Reply


    I have the same problem with the green “Read Me(Trim)” in the lower right corner after installing 5.1. I reset the perspective and removed the eclipse sdk examples, and it’s still there. It’s a minor annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless. How do I get rid of this? Why aren’t more people seeing it?

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