
Error while trying to connect to database [Closed]

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  • #223173 Reply

    Tim Bachta

    I am having an issue trying to connect to a database in the dbbrowser. I have attempled 2 seperate databases, a M$$ql server and a My SQL database. I am able to connect to both using another 3rd party tool so I know my configuration is correct. The error I get back is Error while trying to login to database: the specific driver.

    Thanks for the help in advance.


    #223174 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Tim, off the top of my head I’d guess you didn’t setup the driver correctly, please see this doc: http://www.myeclipseide.com/images/tutorials/quickstarts/dbexplorer/

    If that doesn’t work then can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.

    #223199 Reply

    Tim Bachta

    That was the issue, thanks for the help.

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